Tris' P.O.V.

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Home.  I run over to the Abnegation sector.  My parent's house is just like it was before the war.  Untouched.  I try to open the door,but it's locked.  Who would lock the door?  Maybe someone new lives here.  I knock on the door.  Footsteps are coming from inside.  The door unlocks and I step back,afraid to see what's behind the door.  A man opens the door.  He has disgusting,dirty hair.  I look into his eyes and he looks into mine.  "Caleb?" I ask. My eyes go soft and a tear falls down my cheek.  He nods.  I run into him and give him a long hug.  He pulls me inside and we sit on the couch.  "How?" I ask.  "We buried you." He shakes his head.  "No,you didn't bury me." I must look confused because he just stares at me.  "I knew the risks.  That was a robot.  I'm okay.". He says.  He starts to cry.  "Why didn't you say anything or come find me?" I ask with anger boiling inside me.  "I thought you might hate me." He looks down.  "You that I would be mad, seeing my seemingly dead brother?" I ask and he nods.  "Now that you say that out loud,it sounds stupid." I roll my eyes.  "Why didn't you go back to erudite?" I ask.  He shrugs.  I give him a weak smile.  All of the sudden there is a knock on the door.  I get up and answer it.  Tobias.
       I close the door and walk back to Caleb.  "Who was that?" Caleb says.  "Four." I hear banging on the door.  "Isn't he your boyfriend?" He asks.  I nod. "Yes,he didn't believe me when I went to find you." I say.  "How did you know I was alive?" "I had a dream." I hear a body slam into the door.  Caleb gets up and let's him in right as Tobias' goes in to slam the door.  He loses his balance and almost falls.  "Caleb?" He asks.  His eyes go wide and Caleb nods.  He looks at me with a sorry expression.
          Tobias comes and sits next to me.  "I'm sorry." I shake my head.  He is sad.  "How are you alive?" Caleb gets a smirk on his face.  "Robot." Tobias gets an approving look and nods his head.  "What's up with you guys?" Caleb says and I roll my eyes.  "I wouldn't believe her.  I was arrogant.  Please forgive me." He says and looks at me.  "You did save my life." I give a slight smile.  Caleb looks confused.  "I tried to walk off the train after you died." I look down at my feet.  "Beatrice." He scolds.  "You don't get it!  You don't know what it's like to feel like you killed your mom,dad,and brother." Tears are welling up in my eyes.  "I need to leave.  Maybe you shouldn't have saved me." I say and stand up.  Someone grabs my wrist behind me.  Probably Caleb.  Tobias knows better.  I flip his arm around and pin it behind his back,quite painfully.  Caleb winces and Tobias snickers to himself.  "That's why I didn't do it,she is very underestimated.  She is very strong." He says to Caleb and I walk out those doors.
             Neither of them understand.  I killed my whole family is.  There was no point in living with the grief.  He didn't think that it would be a good thing for me to know?  Dumbass.  I thought he was erudite.  When I get to the train I jump on and see a little Abnegation boy.  He is huddled in a corner, crying.  I sit next to him.  "Are you okay?" I ask.  He shakes his head.  "Look at me." He looks up at me.  "What's wrong." I grab his hand.  "Marcus." Marcus.  Him. What could he do to this child.  "Marcus Eaton?" I ask.  He nods.  "He is my dad.  I'm Jacob Eaton." A look of shock comes over my face and I see the welts.  The bruises.  He looks to be about 5.  I pick him up and jump out of the train.  I hold him and run to our apartment.  "Who is that?" People call out,but I'm in too much of a rush to answer.  I sit him down on the couch and get a first aid kit.  Tobias needs to come home.  I bandage his arm and give him some ice.  He sits next to me,dead silent.  "Do you need or want anything?" I ask with caution.  "Can I have something to eat?  I haven't eaten in a day." "Sure." I say and get up.  I make him a leftover burger and dauntless cake.  I'm surprised that Tobias didn't eat all the cake.  'knock knock knock' I hear on the front door. What if it's Marcus?
He needs to be hidden.  I walk him into the bedroom and answer the door.  Tobias.  "You don't have to knock " I say.  He has a look of relief on his face.  "I was worried that you'd do it again." He says.  "I probably would've if it wasn't for him." I reply and carry him back onto the couch.  "Who is this and what happened?" He asks.  I pull him into the kitchen.  "Abuse.  Marcus.  Marcus had a son after you left." I nod towards him.  His eyes well up with tears.  Then anger fills his eyes.  He walks to Jacob.  "What's your name?" Jacob looks scared.  He backs away.  Does Tobias look that much like Marcus?  Clearly he does.  "It's okay.  This is four.  He's nice." I say and Pat his shoulder.  His eyes look up to me and I kneel next to him.  "Jacob Eaton." He says and looks at the couch.  Tobias'eyes go wide.  He shakes his head.  "Im your brother." Tobias says.  Their eyes meet and both start to cry.  That was the first time I've seen him cry.  They embrace each other.  "He did it to me too." Tobias says and shows him some scars.  "Do you want to go to the dining hall?" I ask them both and they nod.  Jacob tries to walk,but can't do it very well.  I pick him up and his legs wrap around my waist.  This boy didn't deserve this.  Tobias didn't either.

I'm trying to write ahead and would like to know if Tris should die in the end and leave Tobias with a kid.  Comment what you think.  I will most likely pick the first comment.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now