Tris' P.O.V.

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                   One month later...
I wake up and have a horrible pain in my throat.  I grab some water and try to clear my throat.  It doesn't work,so I chug my water. "Are you okay?" He asks and I nod.  "I'm fine." I reply and start to get ready for work. 
         On my way to the parlor,I grab some water and a muffin.  No matter how much I drink,my throat still hurts.  I'll just pick up some medicine on the way home.  I tattoo a small heart on a girl's wrist and spend the rest of the time just waiting.  My shift finally ends and I head to the doctors to get something for my throat. 
          The doctor gives me medicine for a sore throat and I head to the apartment.  Tobias is sitting on the couch, watching TV and barely notices me come in.  I set my bag and the medicine on the counter and he looks over at me.  "What's that?" He asks.  "Medicine for my throat." I say and sit down next to him.  He wraps his arms around me and holds me close.  "We should probably get some dinner." He says and I nod.  We walk together,with our hands locked together.
         By the time we get to the table, everyone is there.  They aren't usually here before us.  We sit down and all Tobias grabs is cake.  "You do realize that you have to eat things other than cake, right?" I ask and he nods.  A smile spreads across his face.  I love seeing him smile.  "What's up with you guys?" I ask and they all shrug.  Zeke still struggles to cut his food,but he'll manage.  "Nothing much." Uriah says and looks down at his food.  We shrug it off and continue to eat.  After I finish, I grab everyone some cake and sit down.  "Thanks" they say and eat the cake. 
         Tobias and I finish up and we head to the apartment.  We sit on the balcony,hand in hand.  "I live you." I say and he smirks.  "I love you more." He says and I shake my head.  "Not possible." I reply.  I scoot my chair closer to his and lean on his shoulder.  My eyes drift closed as I look out over Chicago.  Our world.  Our home.
           I wake up and my throat feels worse.  I take some of the medicine and lay back down with Tobias.  He must have moved me to the bed last night.  Since today is Saturday, we don't have to go to work.  I snuggle right back into his arms and fall asleep.
         When I wake up, I look at his beautiful face.  I stare for a few minutes before getting up.  My throat felt so much worse.  I couldn't even talk without excruciating pain.  Tobias comes walking out of the bedroom and looks at me.  He could tell that something's up.  "You okay?" He asks and wraps his arms around my waist.  "My throat hurts really bad." I squeak out horsely.  "Let's go to the doctors then." He says.  I stare, he has been really over protective lately.  He needs to chill.  I nod and start to get ready. 
          We walk in the front door and they take us back right away.  I don't like sitting on the little cots they make patients sit on,so I sit in one of the other chairs.  A doctor holding a white clipboard comes in.  "I'm Dr.Ami, what seems to be the problem?" She asks.  "My throat." I squeak out.  "I've already tried medicine for a sore throat and it didn't work." I say and she looks down.  "Looks like we will need to do a PET scan." She says, tapping her chin with a pen.  "Follow me." She coos and we follow.  Tobias grips my hand.  I can tell that he's nervous.  I lie down on a table and a big machine moves over me and makes me a little nervous.  My stomach starts to churn as the machine beeps.  "You can get up now." She says and leads us back to the room we had been in previously.  "I will be back with the results in a few minutes." She says and closes the door behind her.  I look at Tobias and wink.  "I'll be fine." I say and squeeze his hand even tighter.  "I promise." I say.
       We sit for another ten minutes until she finally comes back in.  Her face holds no expression.  I feel Tobias tense up,so I squeeze his hand in mine.  She puts the scans on the wall.  They show my neck and a gray blob.  "What's that?" I rasp and point to the blob.  "That's a tumor." She says and Tobias gasps.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now