Tris' P.O.V.

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Christina grabs my arm and drags me to the dress shop.  I'm surprised that the store is so big. Within minutes,she is already forcing dresses on me.  None of the dresses have any gray.  I want dauntless and a touch of Abnegation.  After hours,we still haven't found a dress.  "Maybe we should look for your dress first?" I ask Chris and she nods.  She goes right to a dress in the corner of the store.  After a few minutes,she comes out in what looks like a cocktail dress.  She looks amazing.  "You look amazing.  You knew exactly what you wanted didn't you?" I smile and clap.  "Yep." We still can't find my perfect dress,so we head to checkout.  "So,didn't find anything?" She asks me and I shake my head.  "We have some new dresses in the back." She says and brings out two dresses.  One is all black and the other is black and gray.  It looks stunning.  Chris can tell that I love it.  The lady hands it to me and I try it on.  I love it.  I go to the counter to buy it.  I'm buying Christina's too because it's for my wedding.  "It's on the house.  You saved Chicago." She says.  This dress has got to be expensive.  "Thanks." Christina says and rushes me out the door.  We hide them in her closet and she makes us each a sandwich.  "It's getting late.  I should get home to Four." I say and she nods.  "Thanks Chris." I say and we give each other a hug.  When I reach the apartment,I lie in the bed and wrap my arms around Tobias.  I love him and in two days he will be my husband. 
          When I get up I don't see Tobias.  Only a note where he was. 
      Dear Tris,
      Meet me where you first met me.
                               Love 4
   I change into leggings,combat boots,and a tank top.  I go to the roof and see the gaping hole that I jumped into.  Memories come flooding back.  Will,Al,Marlene, and Lynn all died because of me.  My fault.  A tear falls down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away.  I jump into the hole and bounce on the net.  Sure enough, he is there.  Waiting.  He rolls me towards him and I jump off.  "Good morning." I say and he smiles.  He pulls me in for a long and sweet kiss.  I pull away and start to run into the pit.  He follows me and I am smiling.  We run past the chasm and I look at it and remember Al.  I can still smell the lemongrass.  I miss him.  I run past Peter and he shoves me towards the chasm.  I start to lose my balance on the edge.  As I fall back,my hands lock on to the bridge. I swing myself back up onto the bridge.  Tobias is there to greet me.  "You okay?" He asks frantically.  "Yeah." I say and run to Peter.  He looks at me in shock and I kick him where the sun don't shine.  He doubles over in pain.  I laugh and look back at Tobias.  Tobias gives me a thumbs up and a nod off approval.  I continue to run and I hear him chasing me.  His feet hit the ground and I start to slow down.  He grabs me and slings me over his shoulder.  When he puts me down we are in a dead end hallway.  I'm pinned to the wall as he kisses me.  " I win." He says and goes back to kissing me.  "I did too." I say and knee his gut just enough for me to escape.  I Sprint to the dining hall and he is far behind.  Christina looks at me like I'm crazy.  I duck under the table and put my finger to my lips.  Tobias comes in and looks out of breath.  "Where is she?" He asks Christina.  She shrugs and he runs out.  I stand up and smile at Chris.  I fling open the doors and jump on his back.  "Gotcha." He carries me to the apartment and we lie down on the couch.  I breath heavily.  "You okay?" He asks and I nod.  It's almost time for lunch.  We watch a little TV and head off to lunch.  Everyone is already there.  I grab my food and sit down. "How did you do that?" Uriah asks.  I look confused.  "Do what?" I ask.  "You got pushed over the chasm and climbed the bridge.  That's impressive." He says and I smile.  "I don't want to die I guess." I say and we all smile.  Christina and I are sleeping at my place and Tobias will be with Zeke and Uriah.  They better not get drunk. 
         Tobias leaves with the boys while Christina and I finish eating.  After some cake,we head back to the apartment where we discuss the make up and hair situation.  After we decide,i make some dinner.  It's delicious.  I'm really tired,so we go to bed.  Tomorrow will be amazing.

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