Tobias' P.O.V.

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A doctor comes out and brings me to a small office.  "We had to put her on life support and she isn't showing any improvement.  We are going to have to unplug her soon." I shake my head.  "No." I say in disbelief.  "I'm so sorry." He says.  He's looking at me like I'm a kicked puppy.  "Can I at least see her?" I ask hesitantly and he nods.  I'm led to her room.  Room 19.  I walk in and see her.  She is a blob of black stitches and her eyes are swollen shut.  I collapse to the floor.  No.  They had to shave her head to be able to give her stitches.  He did this to her. My life is laying her, practice dead.  I sit next to her.  There are about a dozen tubes sticking out of her.  This isn't my Tris.  She needs to fight it.  Please.


Tris has been on life support for ten days now.  If she doesn't show any improvement in her condition they will unplug her tomorrow. They can't do this.  "Please wake up Tris please." I beg every hour.  I don't know if she can hear me.  I hope so.  It's pretty late and my eyes start to droop. Sleep pulls me into it's grasp.  I don't want to.  I want to stay with her.  I love her.  I wake up and a doctor is standing next to me.  "She has 2 hours." He says and walks out.  I grab her hand.  "Please Tris.  Give me a sign.  They are going to unplug you soon.  Please.  Just one move.  Once." I repeat for two hours and nothing happens.  There is a knock on the door and a group of people come in. Caleb,Christina, Uriah,and Zeke all come in.  Tears flow down their cheeks as everyone says goodbye.  "Please Tris.  Just once." I say and hold her hand.  "Pull the plug in three...two..." Tris'eyelids flutter.  "Look." I say and point to her eyes.  She does it again.  I break down in sobs.  So does everyone else.  They take her off life support and gives her a tank to help her breathe.  "Thank you.  Thank you. Thank you." I day quietly.  Both her eye open steadily.  She tries to move her mouth,but her mouth is to dry.  A nurse helps get her some water.  "Hi guys" she says in a raspy voice and tries to smile.  Everyone laughs and smiles. Uriah waves.  "I'm sorry" i say.  She tries to turn her head to me,but I move in front of her.  "You have nothing to be sorry for." She says and smile.  I shake my head and her eyes close.  She must be exhausted.  Everyone walks out with a smile on their face.  I sit next to her and hold her hand.  I don't care what she says.  It was my fault.  All of the sudden,I hear a bunch of cameras outside the room.  The news.  I lock the door and walk back.  "You hear that?  Your famous." I say and smile.  I hear someone unlocking the door.  It's a doctor.  "Sorry." I say and he shakes his head.  "I get it." He says.  "It's time to take the stitches out." He says and my face goes grim.  " We will give her anesthesia and when she wakes up she will have no more stitches." He says and I nod.  "Tris.  Wake up." I whisper in her ear and her eyes flutter open.  I zone out as the doctor explains it to her.  She agrees and I hope out to the waiting room.  I wait for ours and hours.   She did have a lot of stitches.  I walk back there and see the door is open.  I walk in and see Tris laying there.   The breathing tank is gone.  I sit next to her.  All her stitches are gone,but the scars cover her entire body.  There isnt a place that has no scar.  Her eyes flutter open.  "Can I have a mirror?" She ask and I pull one out from the wall.  I don't think it's a good idea,but she wants to.  Tears fall down her face.  Scars cover her whole body and her head is shaved.  "I'm hideous." She says through sobs.  "No you aren't.  You are beautiful and I love you with all of my heart." I say. And hold her face to my chest.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now