Tris' P.O.V.

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After the picnic,we went to bed.  I woke up late, I rush to the bathroom and start to get ready while Tobias makes scrambled eggs.  We're finally ready.  I grab his hand as we walk to the simulation room.  We prepare the needles and chairs.  Today will be short because we only have 5 transfers.  At 9 all the initiates walk in.  "Today we will be doing fear simulations.  You will face your biggest fears.  We will call you in random order.  Greg." I say and he comes into the room. 
    After and hour we all are done.  Greg is afraid of failure,spiders,fire, drowning, confinement, having no control,being factionless,and kidnapping.  Darin is afraid of drowning, heights, confinement,crowds, being factionless, losing his family.  All the others were basically the same.  We discuss the rankings in the training room during lunch.  Tomorrow is the final test.  There are 21 total initiates and only 10 get to stay,we don't have good odds.

--_---------------page break------------------------

The rankings are being put up.
1. Isaac DB
3.Erin DB
4.Christopher DB
7 Emma DB
8 Lori DB
10 Emmy DB
Only Greg didn't make it.  He must become factionless.  I'm just about to go visit Caleb when I hear Zeke.  "Candor or Dauntless party at my place in an hour." He yells and I shake my head as I walk out.  I run up the stairs,to the roof.  The train is passing,so i run to catch it.  My hand grips the handle and I pull myself in.  Tobias come out from behind me.  "Why can't I go anywhere alone?" I ask and laugh.  "Because on the way back here you almost killed yourself." He says and I smile.  His arm wrap around me and pull me in.  He presses his lips to mine and nothing seems to matter.  Nothing.
     I pull away and jump off.  Soon,he follows.  We walk to Caleb and look down.  He was young,smart,loving.  Why did he have to go? I ask myself. Tears slip down my cheek.  It soaks into the dry grass.  I see my parent's old house.  Tobias' eyes meet mine and we bolt over there.  The door is unlocked and I walk in.  I take in the smell and the view.  I used to live here.  Even though we weren't supposed to have favorite things,they did.  My mom's was a necklace and dad's was a ring.  I shove them into my pocket.  Tears overflow from my eyes.  My family used to live here.  Now look what I've done.

Sorry,this was just a filler.

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