Tobias' P.O.V.

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"Tris,you need to eat." We all say.  She hasn't eaten anything.  Her head sways back and forth.  "Me not eating,won't effect anyone else anymore." She whisper shouts and runs out.  All of our eyes meet.  "I know where shes going." I say and get up, holding both of our trays.  I throw them out as I walk out.  She probably is going to the ferris wheel.  I need to give her time,so I walk.  Sure enough, there she is. 
         Her head is buried in her knees.  I start to climb and she lifts her head.  "Leave me alone." She shouts.  "Please Tris" "No." She says and I climb back down.  I sit at the bottom, waiting for her to come down.  All of the sudden, her sobs turn hysterical.  As much as I want to go up there,she doesn't want me with her. 
        I can't take it anymore and I start to climb.  The ladder creaks and I hop over the holes.  I climb on to the platform, next to her,and place my hand on her thigh.  She removes her face from her hands and tries to push me.  It works and my body falls over the edge.  I never realized how physically strong she was.  My hand grasps the bar beneath the platform.  "Oh my God what did I do?!" She says and peeks over the edge at me and sighs.  I pull myself back onto the ledge.  "I'm so sorry Tobias.  I didn't mean to I just got upset and..." I cut her off by pressing my lips to hers.  She kisses back and I feel her smile.  We pull back to breathe.  She giggles and our lips lock once more. 
         "I love you Tobias," she says and I smile.  "I love you too." I say and she snuggles into me. 
          After an hour or so, we head back to the apartment.  I go to unlock the door,but it's unlocked.  "Did you remember to lock the door last time you left?" I ask Tris and she nods.  I can see the fear in her eyes.  She walks in front of me and opens the door.  As soon as the door opens,we hear people yell,"SURPRISE!" I breathe a sigh of relief.  I put my hand on Tris'shoulder and smile.  Its Zeke,Uriah,and Christina.  "What's this all about?" I ask suspiciously.  "You aren't dead.  Tris isn't dead." Christina says and smiles.  Uriah picks up a cake and it reads 'CONGRATS.  YOU'RE NOT DEAD!" Tris and I laugh.  We close the door and sit down.  "Wanna play some Candor or Dauntless?" Asks Christina and I look at Tris.  She nods,so I do too.  I love her so much.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now