Tobias' P.O.V.

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I can't believe that I got a tattoo of dauntless cake.  I love it.  We go back to the apartment and she falls asleep on my chest.  God,I'm so lucky to have her. I drift off,into a sleep. 
             When I wake up,I hear Tris in the bathroom.  I walk in and find her throwing up in the toilet.  I pat her back and say "it's okay.  You're fine" until she stops.  "You should stay home today" I say as I start to get ready.  She shakes her head.  "Tris." I say and give her the look.  "But,I don't want to." She whines.  "Fine" I say and just give in.  We head to the simulation rooms.  Tris explains it while I set up the equipment.  "First is Hazel" She says and Hazel walks into the room. 
         By the end,Hazel is afraid of heights.  James is afraid of bugs.  Rose is afraid of becoming factionless.  Natalie is afraid of drowning.  Max is afraid of confinement.  Michael is afraid of being alone.
        We dismiss them all and head to the cafeteria.  They are being ranked tomorrow.    I grab a burger and dauntless cake.  Tris just picks at a salad.  No wonder she is still skin and bone.  I nudge her with my elbow and nod to the food.  She rolls her eyes and smiles as she takes a big bite.  I silently laugh to myself.  She is hilarious.  I remember what she was like in peace serum.  That was scary. 
            "The paintball game is tomorrow at 2am" Tris says.  This is going to be awesome.  I hope Tris and I win . Again.
      I'm worried about her.  Shes barely been eating and she's throwing up ".  She needs to go to the infirmary.  I can't force her to go though.  We head back to the apartment and go inside.  "Tris,you should go to the infirmary." I say.  "I'm fine" she says.    We sit down and watch TV.  I don't think she is fine. 
  "Tris." Fine.  I'll go after paintball"she says and I smile.  I plant my lips on her forehead.  "Thank you" I say.  "We should get to bed early if we're getting up at 1" I say and she nods.  We head to the bed.  I fall asleep with my arms wrapped around Tris. 
         I wake up and it's 1:14.  I gently shake Tris to wake her up.  She moans and then gets up.  She runs to the toilet and throws up.  She is not okay.  "Tris,you need to go to the infirmary." I say as she's throwing up.  "I will.  After paintball and I will meet you at rankings." She says and stands up.  Nothing I say or do,will change this. 
       We walk to the dorm and yell "Be at the tracks in five minutes or be factionless." "It's 2am." Someone groans.  "Your point is?" Tris asks.  We run to the tracks. 
       Everyone gets there on time.  We jump on the train and find the dauntless born already there.  "Care to explain?" I ask Zeke and he nods.  I daze out until it's time to pick teams.  Out team is ..

Lauren DB
Lorenzo DB
Tony DB

"Should we get off first?" Tris asks and Zeke nods.  We all jump off the train and only the dauntless borns land on their feet.  "Where should we hide it?" Asks Max.  "Under the carousel's wooden planks." A dauntless born says and we hide it there.  Tris runs to the ferris wheel and I follow.  Once we reach the top we look out. 
        Their flag is in the tree on the Pier.  Just like when Tris got here.  "I love you" Tris says and I blush slightly.  "I love you too." I say and climb down behind her.  We reach the initiates and Tris says, "Their flag is on the Pier.  What's the plan if attack.?" "1/4 defense and the rest are offense." Rose says.  We all nod.  Max and rose are staying to guard.  We all head out to get the flag. 
           All that's left of our team is Tony,Tris and i.  On the other team,there is only Zeke and Lauren.  Tris is right next to me,behind a crate.  She peaks around one side and hits Lauren.  I run to the pier get shot by Zeke.  Tris needs to shoot him.  I sit here,on the ground waiting.  I see her.  Zeke is slowly circling around me.  She hides behind the tree that it's in. 
       Her head peeks around and shoots him in the back.  She scampers up the tree and holds the flag.  We head back to the compound where Tris and I head to the apartment.  "Infirmary." I say and she walks to the infirmary while I stay at the apartment.  There is no point in going back to bed.  It's already 5 am.  I just clean up around the apartment until it's time for the initiates to start the simulations.

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