Tobias' P.O.V.

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We walk to lunch and the only thing that makes it different from breakfast is the food.  They're serving cake.  I want it.  And I don't want it.  I'm so conflicted.  I think I want it.  I've decided not to go to the ceremony.  I'll just wait at the net.  Everyone gets up to go to the ceremony.  I stay sitting.  I have another 2 hours before I need to be at the net. 
           I walk to the apartment and zone at her ring.  I still keep it on my nightstand.  If only she'd never gone with him.  She would be here right now.  She was my world.  I still remember the day I put this ring on her finger.  I remember the day I met her.  I remember the day I lost her.  I thought I would get her back.  Now what I remember is the day I lost her forever.  She took a piece of me with her. 
        I look at all the pictures of her around the apartment.  Her long hair.  Her short hair.  Her small body.  Her blue green eyes.  I miss it all.  Why did she have to leave me?  Why is she so selfless?  Why is my life so terrible?  First my dad abused me.  Then my mom left.  Then he abused me again.  Then he took Tris.  Now she's gone.  There is a hole in my heart.  She's gone and I can't do anything about it.
         I look at the clock.  I should start to get ready.  I throw on a black shirt,black jeans,and black shoes.  I have an idea.  I run to the bathroom and grab her necklace chain.  I never had the guts to clean out all her stuff.  I slip the ring on the chain and clip it around my neck.  I smile to myself and walk out of the apartment. 
         I get to the pit and I hear Lauren giving the speech.  A blob of white hits the net.  I daze out and ask the same boring questions.  By the end,there are 6 transfers.  Just like the number of fears Tris had.  The names are ...


"I'm your instructor,Four" "like the number?" Asks Michael.  "Yeah,you got a problem?" I ask and he shakes his head.  "Dumbass" I mutter.  They laugh.  "There will be three stages..." I'm cut off by someone falling into the net.  I start to walk over.  The person. Is wearing colors from all the factions.  Who the hell is this?

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