Tobias' P.O.V.

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Tris' eyes close and they wheel her off to the OR.  (Operation room). I walk to the waiting room and sit down.  The room is deserted.  She will be out in about 7 hours.  What will I do for 7 hours?  I sit for an hour, just staring at the white walls of the hospital.  Someone sits next to me and breaks my trance.  It's Zeke.  He hands me a burger and water.  "Thanks" I say, my voice cracking a little.  "She'll be fine Four." He says.  "I know,but..." I don't finish.  "But what if she's not?" I say.  He seems to understand.  "You need to do something." He says and stands up.  "Follow me." He commands and I do, reluctantly.  We walk to the Hancock building.  Oh no. 
He pulls out the stuff for the zip line.  Great.  Now he's going to make me do this.  As he sets it up, I get more and more nervous.  I don't want him to know that though.  He waves me over.  "Get in." He says and straps me into the harness.  "One...two...three." he counts and pushes me. 

My body dangles off the edge as I soar through the sky.  The wind brushes against my face and I close my eyes, scared to look down.  I open my eyes and look at how high up I am.  Fear starts to overwhelm me and I hyperventilate.  I think of Tris and calm myself before I skid to a stop.  I unbuckle myself and drop to the ground.  "How'd you like it?" He asks and I shrug.  "It was fine." I say with an obvious smile on my face.

I walk back to the hospital and he walks to his apartment.  Tris' surgery should be done in 5 hours.  I rest my head on the white wall of the waiting room and drift off to sleep. 

I wake up and see that I e been asleep for 6 hours!  What if she woke up and I wasn't there?!  I run to the receptionist.  "Can I see her?!" I ask frantically and she nods.  "Room 409." She says, not even looking up from her computer.  I bolt to her room and burst through the door.  She's lying, unconscious or asleep, on the bed.  I sit down next to her and hold her hand.  She has a brace around her neck and IVs pocking out of her arms.  A single tear escapes my eye and rests on her hand.  I need to see her eyes again.  I need to feel her lips on mine.

A few minutes later, the doctor comes in.  "When she wakes up, you cannot let her talk.  If she does, it could make her much much worse." She commands and I nod.  Way to make me feel calm.  Thanks dumbass.  As she leaves the room, I turn back to Tris.  Her eyes are open.  "Did you hear that?" I ask and she nods.  A weak smile crosses her face.  I can tell that any move she makes is painful.
Our eyes meet and she let's a tear escape.  She mouths the words 'I love you'.  I smile.  "I love you more." She shakes her head like she always does. 

Her eyes drift closed and she falls asleep.  All tension releases and all the  pain is gone.  She is so beautiful.  What did I do to deserve someone as wonderful as she?

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