Tris' P.O.V.

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I wake up,on the floor,with my head on Tobias' chest.  I feel his eyes burning a hole through my head.  "Good morning creep" I say.  He laughs.  "Good morning" he says.  Then I remember.  I get to see Caleb today.  "When do I get to see him?" I ask quickly.  "2 hours" he says.  I get up and run to the bathroom to get ready.  I look in the mirror and see myself. I've kinda learned to hate mirrors.  I look terrifying.    I miss not seeing myself. 
      I get ready and wait for Tobias.  Once he's ready we go to breakfast.  Tobias grabs a plate of pancakes and sits down.  "At least you're eating now." Says Christina.  I give him the look.  "Dude" he says.  I shake my head.  I'm so used to not eating much food,that it's hard to eat more food.  I'm jittery the whole time.  "What's up with you?" Asks Zeke.  "Are you high on fun dip?" I shake my head.  "We're surprising Caleb today." I say and he smiles.  "We should get going if we wanna make the train." Tobias days and we wave on the way out.
      I haven't jumped into a train in a long time.  To my surprise,I do it pretty well.  I sit on the side and hang my legs over.  He sits next to me and wraps his arm around me.  "I love you" I say. "An I you" he says.  We are getting close to Erudite.  My palms start to sweat.  "I'll go in first and you come in when I bring you up in the conversation." He says and I nod.  I like that.  We get there and I hide behind Tobias.  Tobias walks in and talks loud enough that I could hear him.  " I miss her" Caleb says.  "I miss Tris too" Tobias says and glances at the door.  I open the door and come running in.  Caleb looks up and sees me.  His face looks like he saw a ghost.  He probably thinks he did.  I give him a hug.  "I missed you too" i say and we both collapse to the floor in tears. Tobias just folds his arms and smiles.  "I thought you were gone." Caleb says through sniffles.  I shake my head.  "It was a fake" I say.  We stay in the hug for a few minutes before I pull back. "I love you" I say "I love you too" he says. 
        Tobias and I head home and we fall asleep right away.  It doesn't take much to make me tired anymore. 
       When I wake up,Tobias is gone.  I jump up and run around calling for him.  There is no answer.  I walk into the kitchen and find a note. 
           Dear Tris
You slept in,so i to work.  Will meet you at dinner.  Love you
Thank God he's okay.  I grab some water and chips to eat while I watch TV.  I don't have to go to work for the next two days. 
      Tobias comes home and sees me watching TV.  "Hey Tobias." I say as he sneaks up behind me.  His smile turns into a frown.  "Why can I never scare you anymore?" He asks and I shrug. We kiss and watch more TV. 

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now