Tobias' P.O.V.

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                     8 Days Later...
Tris can finally try to talk.  I need to hear her soft voice again.  I wake up and find that she isn't next to me.  I get up and walk around the apartment. She's not here.  "Tris?" I call out nervously.  "Tris?!" I call out more urgently.  I hear a door open behind me.  I turn around and see her holding two muffins.  "Next time you leave, can you leave a note or something?" I ask rudely.  Her finger points to the fridge and I shake my head.  She walks to the fridge and u follow.  Low and behold, there is a note that reads

Ran out to get muffins.  Be right back
                                Love, Tris

"Oh.  Sorry." I say and she waves it off.   She hands me a muffin.  "Thanks" I say and she gives me a thumbs up.  We walk to the balcony and sit down.  We have been spending a lot of time on the balcony.  I start to eat my muffin and look out over our world.  I can't help but smile when I look at her.  "I love you" Tris says and looks at me.  There is a smile plastered on my face.  "I live you too." I say, pick her up, and swing her around as she laughs.
  We sit back down and continue to eat our muffins.  I finish my muffin and look at Tris.  "Wanna ask if they want to play a little Candor or Dauntless?" Tris asks and I nod.  We walk to the dining hall and see them all at our table.  "You guys up for some Candor or Dauntless?" Tris asks.  They all nod and then realize that she just spoke.  Christina jumps up and gives her a hug.  I don't get her and all these hugs.  "Meet us in the training room in an hour." Tris says and runs out.  I wave and follow.  "Where you going?" I ask and she shrugs.  "I don't know." She says and keeps running.  We reach the train and she jumps on.  Seriously,where are we going?  "Tris?" I ask and give her 'the look'.  "What?" She asks.  "Where are we going?" I ask.  "Somewhere." She says with a big grin.  I sigh.  I give up.  She isn't going to tell me. 

She jumps off the train and onto another building.  We are getting close to the fence.  I'm not sure that we'll be back in an hour.  Oh well.  Tris starts to run and I follow.  I know where we're going.  The fence.  We get to the base and look up.  Without hesitation, she starts to climb.  I put my fingers on the ledges and start to climb.  I finally teach the top where she is waiting for me.  I snake my arm around her waist and pull her into me.  We walk to the edge and look beyond Chicago.

"Would you ever want to go out there again?" She asks.  There's the erudite in her.   "Maybe.  You?" I ask.  "I don't know." She replies.  We turn to each other and our eyes meet.  It feels like there is nothing left between us.  Our lips connect and I push her against a pole.  Her hand grips the back of my neck and deepens the kiss.  She breaks apart to breathe.  "I love you." She whispers.  "I love you too." I say. 

                         •       •      •

We walk into the training room a little bit late.  Zeke and Uriah standing there with their arms crossed.  "What?" I ask and look around the room.  Christina isn't here.  "Where's Christina?" Tris asks.  They shake their heads and start to walk towards us.

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