Tris' P.O.V.

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I wake up and Tobias' arms are wrapped around my waist.  My shoulder hurts like hell.  None of my other bullet wounds hurt this much.  Geez.  I get up and grab some painkillers.  After I take those,I walk back to Tobias.  My lips meet his and I feel a spark.  His lips move to form a smile.  Mine do too.  He puts his hands on my waist and holds me there.  I pull my head back and walk to the bathroom.  I try to change,but it hurts too much. These painkillers don't work real well. 
       I come back and lay down next to Tobias.  "I love you" I say and smile.  "I love you more." He replies.  "Not possible." "Wanna go to the cafeteria?" He asks and I nod.  "Sure" I say and throw on a hoodie and some clean leggings.  My entire shoulder is bandaged and I get even more looks. 
         We sit down and see Zeke struggling to cut his pancakes.  "Fuck it." He says and picks it up in his hand.  Uriah is sitting there with his head in his hands.  A tear falls on to the table.
          He gets up and quickly walks out.  Christina gets up to follow.  "I got it.  I know what's going on." I say and she sits back down.  His footsteps are quick,so I have to run to catch up.  He opens the door to his apartment and I slide in behind him.  I put my hand on his shoulder and he pushes me back.  His hands make contact with my shoulders and I wince.
           "Oh my gosh I'm sorry" he says and looks concerned.  "I'm fine.  Wanna talk?" I reply.  He walks over and sits on the couch and I sit down next to him.  Tears start to stream from his eyes.  "It's all my fault." He starts.  "No it's not.  It was his choice.  He chose to save you.  He loves you." I say and he shakes his head.  "How do you make the guilt go away?" He asks through sniffles.  His big brown eyes meet mine.  "Mine is different.  I got people killed.  At least Zeke is still here." I say and tears leave my eyes.  "Just try to distract yourself." I say and pat his shoulder.
          "Just remember, it was his choice.  He loves you no matter what." We both smile and I bring him in for a hug.  "I have a girlfriend." He says jokingly.  "I have a husband." I say and we laugh.  "Wanna go back?" I ask.  He nods and gets up.  "Thanks" he says.  "Anytime." I wipe my face and we head out. 
       We walk back to the cafeteria and sit down.  Nobody questions us as we finish.  Everyone gets back up and leaves for our apartments. I walk back with Tobias.  Our fingers are intertwined together.  I sit down on the balcony and just look over our city.  Tobias sits next to me and rests his hand on mine.  My eyes close blissfully.  "Tobias?" I ask.  "What?" He says calmly.  "I love you." I say and smile.  "I love you too." He says and his lips meet mine. 
          We walk inside and get ready for bed.  I lay down on his chest and feel his heartbeat.   My head is buried in his shirt and I breathe in his smell.  I love him so much.  I close my eyes and drift, peacefully,to sleep.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now