Tris' P.O.V.

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Im glad to see that Tobias looks okay.  Every time I move it causes excruciating pain.  "I love you" I mouthe to him.  "I love you more." He replies and I weakly shake my head.  Sleep drags me away from him and u sleep.  Sleep takes the pain away.  Both physical and mental.

I open my eyes and see Caleb.  How'd he even know I was here?  He doesn't look at me and I can't talk to him,so I tap my fingers on the base of the bed.  His eyes move to mine and i smile.  He's still that selfless boy from Abnegation.  "Hi" I mouthe to him.  He takes something out of his pocket.  It's a little, square, device.  "Type what you want to say and this will say it for you." He says and hands it to me.  I make the voice say, "Hooray, I'm not dead." He laughs and shakes his head. 
"I love you." Caleb says.  "I love you too." The machine replies.  "You need to get some rest,bye." He says and I wave as the door closes. 

Not even a minute later, the door opens and Zeke, Uriah, Chris, and Tobias are in the room.  I pick up my hand to wave and my iv falls out.  A nurse rushes to put it back in.  "Hi" the machine says.  "How ya feeling?" Chris asks.  Her voice is soft.  "Talk to me normally." I type into the machine.  "And I'm okay." I add.  "Told ya." Uriah butts in.  She slaps his arm, making us all laugh.  The doctor walks into the cramped room and everyone shifts away from the bed.  "When can I leave?" I ask her immediately.  "We think that it was successful, but you cannot speak for the next week.  If you do, you could possibly make it so you'll never talk again.  You can leave whenever." She says and hands me the discharge papers. 

I quickly sign them and change into normal clothes.  We all walk, together, to the cafeteria and I just grab dauntless cake.  It tastes so good.   We finish up eating and I yawn.  "We should be getting back." Tobias says and we get up to leave.  He unlocks the door and I flop on to the bed, exhausted.  My eyes close and I'm out like a light.

I open my eyes and feel myself wrapped in Tobias' warm embrace.  A smile crosses my face as I lay there, not wanting to wake him.  I love him more than anything.  I wish we didn't have to go through all of this.  "Morning" I hear him say.  I roll over and plant a kiss on his cheek.  He blushes and I swing my feet off the bed.  I make the usual pancakes and bacon for breakfast.  We eat the breakfast on the balcony.  I look out and see all the tall buildings.  I see the sun rising.  I see my old home.  I see where my family has died.  I see pain.  But also joy.

I close my eyes and think of my life if I hadn't chosen dauntless.  If I hadn't met Tobias.  If my parents were still alive.  I feel a warm tears slide down my face.  I open my eyes and see Tobias staring at me.  I lose myself in his deep blue eyes.  I love him.  A smile crosses my face.  I bring my lips to his and he does the same.  When I pull back, I blush.  "I love you." He says.  I form a heart with my hands and point to his heart. 

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now