Tris' P.O.V.

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We walk back to the apartment and Tobias looks sad.  I squeeze his hand in mine.  He looks scared.  I open the door and walk in.  Tobias just stands in the doorway. 
       I close the door and pull his body to follow me.  He breaks out of his trance.  "Where are we going?" He asks and looks around.  I shove open the doors to the training room.  "You seem stressed." I say.  He smirks.  "How do you always know what to do?" He asks and I blush.  We walk to the punching bags and he starts to beat the crap out of one.  I stand behind him and watch as he beats the bag senseless.  It doesn't seem to be working too well.  "Wanna fight?" I ask.  "That doesn't appear to be working very well." I say and smile.  He doesn't respond,but we walk to the platform.  "Don't go easy on me though." I say, knowing that he probably will anyway.  He nods his head and we begin.

                            •      •       •

We walk off of the platform and he seems much more calm.  "You good now?" I ask, kind of out of breath.  He nods.  I look at the time, it's almost time for dinner.  "We should get going to dinner." I say.  "Sure" he says and wraps his arm around my waist.  He actually smiles.  I'm glad that he's happy.  We arrive and nobody is in there yet.  I grab our food and bring it to the table.  It's just then that I realize that his hands are all bruised.  We start to eat and everyone starts to file in.  Christina and Uriah sit down together.  They're so cute together.  "Where have you two been?  We knocked on your door and you didn't answer." Chris says.  Uriah's eyes find their way to Tobias' hands.  "Training room." I say simply.  Zeke comes and sits down with a mountain of cake.  Tobias'eyes go wide as he sits.  "What's with all the cake?" Tobias asks and Zeke shrugs.  "I feel like it." Zeke says with a mouthful of cake.  We finish eating and head to the apartment.
           I'm already tired, so I head straight to bed.  I flop down and wrap myself in the comforter.  Tobias jumps onto the bed, pillow in hand.  He starts to hit me with the pillow.  I yank the one out from under my head and hit him back.  After a struggle,I pin him onto the bed.  I press my lips onto his and roll onto the bed.  He follows and wraps his arms around me.  All of that kind of distracted me from the horrible pain in my throat.  I try to ignore it, but u can't.  I hear Tobias fall asleep and I longed to fall asleep.  Why does everything happen to us?
           I roll out of bed and grab a drink.  I've been awake for hours.  The pain is almost unbearable.  I lie awake until sleep finally beckons to me.

          I wake up and Tobias is looking at me.  "Creep." I joke and flip over.  He laughs and I roll back over.  He plays a kiss on my lips and I kiss back gently.  He pulls back and smiles.  We roll off the bed and start to get ready.  The surgery is in 3 hours.  I throw on a comfy sweatshirt and sweatpants as we walk out the door.  We head to breakfast and everyone is there.  My voice has gotten worse and my voice is so hoarse that I can barely hear it. 

Tobias and I sit down with the gang and start to eat.  "Hi guys." I say weakly, setting my tray down.  "Your voice has gotten worse." Christina says.  Once a Candor, always a Candor.    "No dip." I say and put a hand to my throat.  "I'm going in for surgery in a few hours." I say and look down as my fork moves through my cereal.  "What time?" Uriah asks.  "11:30" Tobias answers.  Thank God.  "We'll be there." Zeke says and smiles.  He's trying to put on a strong face.  I can tell.  I finish my food and start to head out.  "Where are you going?" Chris asks.  "To train." I say.  "Only you would go train before surgery... And Four." She says and he smiles.  They all get up and follow.
We walk in and I look eagerly at the weight equipment and the knives.  I walk to the bar and start to load the bar with some weights.  "Anyone down in a weight lifting contest?" Uriah asks and everyone raises their hand.  Even Zeke.  How is that going to work? As if he heard me, he says, "I'll be right back." He says and runs out.  We all stare at each other and shrug.  He comes back a few minutes later with the prosthetic I had Caleb make him.  He straps it on and we begin.  We will all go separately and compare.  The order goes Zeke,Four, Christina, Uriah, and I.  Zeke goes up and does 234.  Four does 278.  Christina does 232.  Uriah does 246.  I walk up to the bench and they start to load it up.  My arms start to shake.  "You okay?" Tobias asks and I nod.  "Yep." I say and they keep adding them on.  I can't bear it anymore.  "Take it off." I say and they immediately start to unload them.  I sit up and rub my shoulders.  I look at the stack of weights on the floor. Geez.
"You got... woah." Chris says.  "You got 302.  How do you do that?" She asks and I shrug.  "I've been in some tough situations." I say.  I glance at the clock.  "Shit.  It's 11:24." I say and run out.  I'm already sweating.  I reach the entrance, out of breath, and check in.  They file in behind me as I sit down and wait for them to call my name.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now