Tobias' P.O.V.

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She said yes!  For a minute I got scared because all I could hear was the water hitting the rocks.  I'm so excited.  Tris loves the ring.  I'm so glad.  I head to bed that night with a big grin on my face.  I will have my Tris forever.  When I wake up,I still have a smile on my face.  I go and finish off the last of the cake.  All of the sudden I feel arms on my shoulders.  Luckily it's just Tris.  We read for the morning.  Well,she did.  I just dazed out the window.  We go to lunch and Christina notices.  I can see the look of annoyance on her face when Christina wants to take her dress shopping.  Then I remember.  I have to wear a suit.  That is a big change from jeans and a T-shirt.  I plan on just grabbing the first thing I see that goes with the color scheme.  After lunch Christina helps plan and makes us dinner.  We head home and I fall asleep right away. 
           I wake up and Train is sleeping next to me.  Her breatging is steady and her eyes are closed.  Slowly,I pull my arm out from under her.  She stirs,but doesn't awaken.  Breakfast is in an hour,so I start to get ready.  I hear the floor creak.  She's up.  The bathroom door closes and she turns the shower on.  I sit on the couch and wait for her to be ready.  After ten minutes she comes out ready.  We leave for breakfast and of course are there first.  We mist always are.  Christina comes running towards us and sitting down.  "We're going dress shopping today!!!" She exclaims.  Tris smiles and shakes her hand at her, laughing.   Uriah and Zeke get here and Christina is still going on and on about the wedding.  "Remember.  Black and gray." She says looking at Uriah,Zeke,and I.  We nod.  All of us know that there is no point in trying to say anything.  I still haven't decided who my best man will be. I've known Zeke longer. We take our time eating breakfast,while Christina rushes Tris to leave.  Once they're gone I look at them.  "Glad im not going anywhere with her." I say and they laugh.   After we finish,we decide to go train before we go because we won't take very long. 
                 We have a knife throwing contest and I win of course.  "How are you so good at this?" Uriah asks.  "Well... I've been here longer than you and I train initiates." I say with smirk.  "Should probably get going." Zeke days and we put the knives away.  We walk to the suit place and it looks crazy.  Why is there so many suits?  Well I grab a random one and try it on.  It's a gray shirt,black jacket thing,and black tie.  It looks fine.  We look for Zeke and Uriah's.  I've decided to have two best men.  Theirs is the opposite of mine.  I buy them and walk out.  We put them in Zeke's closet because in 4 days,my apartment will be taken over by Christina.  It's almost time for lunch,so we head over to the dining hall.  Today, we got tacos.  The whole time,neither of them showed up.  Guess it's taking them a while.  I don't get it.  Just grab something that fits.  I bet Christina won't let her do that.
       We go back to training after lunch.  I challenge Uriah to a fight.  He kicks his leg at my gut and I grab it,twist it,and he falls to the ground.  From there,I just kicked at him.  Not hard enough to actually hurt him.  He gets up and we go back to punching bags until dinner comes around.  We stop and head to our apartments to take a shower. 
              After I shower,I go to dinner.  I sit down and Zeke is already there.  Again, Christina and Tris aren't here. 
They'll be fine.  Dinner was okay,but the cake after was delicious.  Not as good as Tris',but good.  I don't know what she did,but hers was much better.  It was less dry.   After dessert,we all head to our apartment.  Zeke and Uriah share an apartment.  It scares me because of how  immature they both are.  When I get home I just lie down and fall asleep.  I feel the bed moving and I know that Tris is here.  She rolls over and wraps her arms around me.  We both fall asleep together.

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