Tris' P.O.V.

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"Tris Eaton?" A lady coos and I follow her.  I'm taken into a room and I put on a hospital gown.  She takes my temperature,blood pressure,and all that bullshit.  Finally,she leads me to my room for the time being.  I hold the back of the gown closed while I walk.  I sit on the bed and she looks me to a heart monitor.  Tobias and them walk in and sit down next to me.  Tobias looks scared.  His eyes are hollow and his face is white.  Dr. Ami walks in and starts to speak.  "We will be giving you the anesthesia in a few minutes." She says softly and walks out.  Chris walks over to me.  "I love you, be brave." She says and walks out.  The boys wave and walk out.

Tobias still sits next to me.  "I'll be fine Tobias." I say and squeeze his hand.  He looks at me with tears in his eyes.  "I know." He replies.  He doesn't believe me.  "You don't have to lie to me." I say and look down.  "It's okay." I say.  The door opens and Ami comes in with a mask.  "Ready?" She asks and I nod.  She goes to my other side and hooks up the machine.  Ami cups the mask over my mouth and nose.  I start to get tired and my eyes close.  The last thing I see is Tobias' beautiful deep blue eyes looking into mine.  "I believe you." Is the last thing I hear before I'm out. 

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now