Tris' P.O.V.

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"Candor or Dauntless at my place at 10." Zeke yells before everyone leaves.  We take the leftover cake to the apartment and change.  I put on a tank top, shirt, shorts, leggings,and a sweatshirt.  We walk over to Zeke's and find Caleb there.  I never would expect him to be there.  I run up to him and give him a hug.  "Do you know how to play Candor or Dauntless?" He shakes his head.  "Someone asks you 'candor or Dauntless' and if you pick Candor you have to answer a question and if you pick dauntless you have to do a dare.  If you don't answer the question or do the dare,you have to take off an article of clothing.  Shoes and socks don't count." His eyes open wide.  We all gather in a circle and get ready to play.  "Tris' brother,Candor or Dauntless?" Caleb looked at me and I looked back.  "Candor." "PANSYCAKE!" Uriah yelled.  "What's a pansycake?" Asks Caleb.  "You day it,I will slap you." I say and Caleb looks at me accusingly.  "Beatrice." He says.  "It's Tris." I say.  "What's your biggest fears?" Asks Zeke.  Caleb looks down.  "Spiders." Everyone starts to laugh except me.  "Four Candor or Dauntless?" "Dauntless." He replies.  "I dare you to tell us your real name." Caleb says and smirks.  Tobias takes off his shirt.  "Uriah,Candor or Dauntless?" "Dauntless I ain't..." Uriah was cut off by us all saying "no pansycake." He laughs.  "Kiss you crush." He walks over to Christina and kisses he cheek.  Christina blushes as he sits down.  "Zeke,Candor or Dauntless?" "Candor and don't you dare call me a pansycake." Zeke replies.  "Who do you hate the most in this room?" He looks down.  He doesn't want to say it.  "Caleb." He says and Caleb looks offended.  "Because I barely know him." He finishes.  "Tris,Candor or Dauntless?" "Dauntless." I say.  "Tell us the story about the chasm." I squeeze my eyes together and take a deep breath.  "After the rankings were up,I was in first and Peter was in second,I went to get a drink.  3 people kidnapped me,touched me,and hung me over the chasm.  Then someone saved me." Caleb looks at me wide eyed.  "Who were they and who saved you?" Asks Caleb.  "Peter,Al,and Drew.  Four saved me." They all look at Caleb.  His face is getting red.  He starts to get up.  "Caleb where are you going?" I ask him.  "To find them.". " You will have a hard time with that.  One is dead and the other is factionless." Uriah says.  "Who is here?" Asks Caleb.  "Peter." Uriah replies.  My eyes fill with tears and I run out.  I run to the apartment and bury my face in the pillows.  I killed him.  I did it
             I hear a knock on the door.  They walk in.  The person sits on the bed,next to me.  It's Tobias I can tell by his smell.  He puts his hand on my back.  "It's not your fault.  Uriah shouldn't have said that." I shake my head.  "He did though.  It's my fault he's dead.  Just like Will."  He just sits there.  "He won't say anything like that again." Tobias says.  "What do you mean?" I ask.  "He got a good slap in the face." Tobias days and I smile.  I sit up and lean into him.  "Today was supposed to be happy." I say and cry harder.  "It is Mrs.Eaton." I smile.  I fall asleep in his sturdy arms. 
         I wake up about an hour later to someone banging on the door.  Tobias goes to get it.  I hear Caleb's voice.  I walk out and rub my eye.  Caleb is standing there with a bloody nose and a cut lip.  "What did you do Caleb?" I ask hesitently.  "I got him back." He says with a stern face.  "How?" I ask.  "He wouldn't have done that and I kinda beat him up.  He is unconscious by the chasm." Caleb says and smiles.  "No one hurts my sister." He says looking at me.  I run and give him a hug.  Then I go get the first aid kit.  "You can stay in the extra bedroom if you'd like." I say as I clean his lip.  "Thanks." He says.  After the bleeding stops he goes to sleep in the guest room.  Tobias and I go to sleep in our room.  I fall asleep in his strong arms, knowing that he loves me and will protect me. 

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now