Tris' P.O.V.

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David rolls to the front.  People look around suspiciously.  "I'm here to collect divergents.  If you're divergent come up here before I shoot." he says.  Nobody gets up.  We all look around.  I go to stand up,but Tobias' holds me down.  "Beatrice." He says and looks at me.  "It's Tris." I grumble.  He picks up his gun and aims for me.  BANG!  He pulls the trigger before I could get my gun out.  "I know who is divergent.  Sacrifice yourselves now." He commands.  My vision gets fuzzy. 
       David points his gun at our table.  Tobias and Uriah are both divergent.  Who is he aiming at?  I try to get a closer look,but he shoots.  I see a quick movement on the other side of the table.  Tobias pulls out his gun and fires at David.  He slumps back into the wheelchair.  Other dauntless pull out their guns and shoot the guards.  We all start to run out.  Tobias carries me out and I feel immense pain in my shoulder.  My eyes start to close and the last thing I see is Tobias' worried face.
         I open my eyes and see everyone in the room except Zeke.  "Is everyone okay?" I ask.  Moving my head hurts.  Everyone stares at each other.  "You guys need to stop being around me." I say and my eyes shift down.  "Why would we do that?" Christina asks.  "Al,Will,my mom,my dad are all gone and it's my fault." I say.  They all shake their heads.  "Not gonna happen." Tobias says and smiles weakly.  The door opens and another bed is being wheeled in.  Zeke.  "What happened?" I ask.  "He took the bullet for me" Uriah says and I can hear that he's about to cry.  Everyone gets up to go see him.  I pull all of these machines off of me and try to walk to him.  The machines all beep and people look at me.  Tobias grabs me and helps me to Zeke. 
        A nurse comes running in.  "You need to get back into bed." She says and I shake my head.  "No" I say and look back at Zeke.  "I can move you bed across from his." She says and I nod.  She moves the bed over and I sit down while she reinserts the machines.  I look over and Zeke.  Uriah is holding his hand and crying.  Christina holds his other hand.  I look at Zeke's bandadged hand,but it isn't there.  It's a nub.  A doctor comes in and looks at us.  "The damage was to severe and it had to go.  I'm sorry" he says while looking at Zeke.  He turns to me.  "You need to stay in your bed." He walks out and I look around at the tear soaked faces.  Tobias grabs my hand.  "It's all my fault." Uriah says.  "He did it to save me." A tear slides down my cheek.  "I understand." I say and they all look at me.  "Does it get better?" He asks.  "Kind of,but it's always in the back of my mind." I say and force a smile.  "I'm always here if you want to talk." I say and he nods.  Zeke starts to open his eyes.  He looks at Uriah.  "You okay dude?" Zeke asks.  Uriah nods.  "Good,am I okay?" He asks and we laugh.  Uriah looks at the ground.  Zeke looks to where his hand should be. 
        "What happened?" He asks.  "David shot Tris and you blocked his shot at Uriah.  The bullet lodged itself in your bone.  They had to take it off." Tobias says.  Zeke looks at Uriah.  His head is in his hands.  Zeke picks up his nub and pats Uriah's head saying, "there there little one." Uriah cracks a smile and we all laugh.  "Are you okay Tris?" He asks me.  "Yeah.  I just got shot in the shoulder. I've been worse." I say and laugh.  "You cheat death on the daily." He says.  "When can we leave?" Zeke asks.  I shrug and call in the doctor.  "When can we leave?" I ask.  "Hopefully tomorrow" he says and walks out.  "Tomorrow." I say to Zeke.  His eyes start to droop. "Get some sleep." I say and he falls asleep.
       I look over at Tobias.  He's in a daze.  I close my eyes and fall asleep with my best friends.

If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative endingWhere stories live. Discover now