1. Hobbiton

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I do not own The Hobbit or LOTR, only my OC's, but I do so enjoy them! Hope you enjoy!!!!

Note: Added the new Philomena design I made in Paint.Net! It's on the cover, yes, but here's a close up view that the work I put into the picture... Only thing I don't like is how young Philomena appears. But, past that, near exact how I pictured her.

I shouldered my bag again, staring out towards Hobbiton. My crazy curly bright red hair flew out behind me in the slight wind. I checked at my many knives and sword that were with me before walking towards Hobbiton again.

My clothes were cleaner and newer than usual for me, purchased in Bree, deep grey fur coat, light grey shirt, black pants, thick grey boots. I happen to like grey, makes it easier to blend in and I find the color soothing on the eyes. Around my head was a strip of old red fabric, holding my crazy red hair back, threads breaking free from the red cloth from being repeatedly used to hold my hair back.

I smiled as Fairfin landed on my shoulder, making my shoulder drop a touch at his weight. He is a very rare white raven and has been my friend for years, always knowing when to hide from others that would kill him and when to encourage me to move away from an unsafe place. I held out some berries I had collected a night ago and he started eating them.

I walked down the road, smiling at the hobbits I passed who stared at me and my bird in confusion. Made sense, I wasn't a Dwarf yet I was as tall as one, I wasn't a human yet I looked like one, but I could outlive humans. To be truthful, I didn't know. I was raised by caring Elves of Rivendell. But, once I had discovered that they did not know who I was or where I came from, I left and began my search, desperate to know. I worked odd jobs in villages all over, playing the violin, crafting, or cleaning up crime. I had probably done a little of everything in my one hundred year search, been all over this side of the mountains, small towns and living off the road.

I also had another talent, one that I guarded closely, as the elves told me to never show it to others, they would try to use it. So, I never let my gift see the light of day. I was playing my violin in a pub one day when the Wizard Gandalf appeared. I had met him a few times in my stay in Rivendell, but never spoke with him. He had asked for my help, telling me that they were going on an adventure, one that would take them through places I could not go on my own without risk of death, places across the mountains. I accepted because, maybe, out in the lands I could not explore on my own, there were answers for which I searched.

I walked through Hobbiton as the sun set, searching for the mark Gandalf told me to. Finally, long after the sun had set, I found the right door, a green door with a blue glowing mark on the bottom.

At the same time as two others, clearly dwarves. One with blonde hair that reminded me strongly on a lion in look, all done up in braids typical to dwarf culture. The other one had dark hair and no braids, which is rather unusual for a dwarf.

I grumbled, opening up the white fence gate and closing it behind me as I made my way up the path, walking up just as they were about to ring the bell on the door.

"Hello." I said, making them jump and spin, looking at me with wide eyes. A look I was rather used to, I am not exactly subtle with my bright and crazy hair, even with my tattered hood pulled up.

"Geez! Who are you?" They asked at the same exact time. I guessed easily that they are brothers, both of them help similar looks and currently have identical expressions.

I grinned and pulled down the hood from my tattered travelling cloak, my crazy hair flying in every direction from being freed out from under the hood. Fairfin cawed on my shoulder, shaking his wings as he studied the two dwarves.

A Ruby's Shine (Thorin Oakenshield X OC)Where stories live. Discover now