When You First Meet Leon

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You were driving in Raccoon City with your pet (P/N) in the kennel on the back seat. It was raining and you couldn't see very well then all of a sudden you ended up hitting something or somebody. You swerved and ended up crashing into the ditch. You groaned in pain and look in the backseat seeing (P/N) was okay just ended up almost on the floor luckily the seats were in the way.

You got out of your vehicle and walked towards what you hit turns out to be a gray skinned woman and just laying there not even breathing. "Oh shit I killed somebody!" you said to yourself while panicking but you didn't notice that the lady stood up and growled at you. You yelled and ran towards your truck locking it trying to start the car but it wouldn't start up at all. "Come on dammit start!!" You yelled and sees that the woman was hitting your door making screeching noises.

You were shaking and stayed in the car till you see a police car coming towards you and hit the zombie woman. "Get in!!" Yelled a young man with blonde hair and not to mention his blue eyes. You quickly got out and grabbed your pet quickly and went in the passenger seat holding (P/N). He looks at you and then your pet. "Hey you got a cute pet there." He said while driving away. "Oh uh thanks (P/N) likes people so he/she doesn't bite. I'm (Y/N) (L/N) or you can call me (N/N) if you want to." You say shyly looking at your pet.

"That's a cute name especially with your name it's beautiful. I'm Leon Scott Kennedy and I'm guessing you're not from around here?" You shake your head "No I'm from (C/N) which I know it's a long way from here. I just moved here to find my parents." He nods "I'm afraid to tell is that your parents are either turned into those monsters or dead highly unlikely to be alive I'm sorry."

You looked down tearing up and sighs "Yeah that could be it I just came here for nothing and now I'm trying to survive with (P/N) I don't have any money I just spent it to be here." You had tears falling and Leon looks at you. "Hey please don't cry you and (P/N) can stay with me for as long as you both like. I'll take care of you both okay? I will not let you die not on my watch. Besides I'm a police officer I serve and protect you. Trust me." You smiled and wiped the tears off your face "Thank you Leon you're so kind to me." "You're welcome (N/N)." He smiled and held your hand while driving to his place.

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