When You and Leon Are At A Ball

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(requested by brooksey100)

You and your friends are invited at masquerade ball in New Orleans. You found your dress, shoes, and mask to go to the ball sadly none of your friends are going to the ball but you wanted to go. Once when you were getting your dress you accidentally bumped into a man. "Oh gosh I'm so sorry sir I wasn't watching where I was going." You said to him blushing seeing his blue eyes and blonde hair "Hey it's okay. You're going to the ball too?"

(Y/N)'s POV

I smiled "Yeah I'm going alone so hopefully I see my prince charming." He chuckled "Hey you might just gotta wait till midnight and everyone takes their masks off." I smiled and nodded "Okay oh and my name is (Y/N)." He smiled "My name is Leon I sure hope I'll dance with you tonight?" I nodded smiling "Yeah hopefully." I turned around and left holding my dress in the bag not noticing my dress is peeking a little.

Leon's POV

Dark blue dress huh? My favorite color I'll surely will remember that tonight. She's beautiful and so kind I might be in love with her. I go back to my hotel and get ready for tonight.

9 PM at the ball (Y/N)'s POV

I'm so scared of crowds I don't know what to do. I'm in my dress, shoes, and mask as I went upstairs I walk in seeing how beautiful everything is in this place. I grabbed a drink and looks like I'm the only one in dark blue great I stand out just like Cinderella did and every guy is staring at me with drooling mouths and love in their eyes. Then I see a guy walking towards me wearing a black suit with dark blue tie, shirt, and of course dark blue mask.

"Hello miss may I have this dance with you?" I blushed and he looks familiar "Of course you may my kind sir." I smiled and take his hand leading me to the dance floor. "I love your dress it's my favorite color." I blushed and looked down "Thank you." 

Leon's POV

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Leon's POV

I danced with my Cinderella and I know this is (Y/N) but for now she's my Cinderella and I'm her mystery prince. "So you live here in New Orleans?" I asked and she shakes her head "No I'm on vacation with my friends but they didn't want to come here. You?" I smiled "Nope I'm on vacation too I'm all my myself here as well."

No One's POV

You guys danced, talk, and having fun together it's 11:55 PM only 5 minutes to go till you reveal your faces. "I think I'm falling for you my Cinderella. Maybe we can go back to my home in Raccoon City." You blushed and stared at him "I think I am too my prince and I'll accept your offer."

Leon's POV

I smiled and kissed her softly seeing that it's midnight so she took my mask off and I took off hers. When we open  our eyes and we smiled "Hello again (Y/N)." She giggled "Hello Leon." She kisses me again as I hold her closer. I have found my Cinderella and she found her prince.

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