When Your Reunited With Leon After Faking Your Death

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(requested by Love_U_2_The_Moon)

You got a phone call from your boss while you are working with Leon "Hello?" You said "Hey (Y/N) there's a secret mission that we need you to come right away." Your eyes widen "I can't go right now unless I fake my death." You boss smiles "We have it covered. You're wearing your bullet proof vest?" Your boss asked "Uhhhhhh no why?" You heard a gun shot and then felt pain "Shit!!" I fell backwards hanging up the phone and this dart has sleeping liquid and I fell asleep and temporaries stop my heart.

Leon's POV

"(Y/N) oh God no no no no!!" I ran to her and I can't feel a pulse "Baby please stay awake I got you oh god baby." I looked around and I couldn't see anyone. I picked her taking her back to camp "Please someone help!" I see our boss "She's gone Leon we'll take care of her." I nodded and left her be in tears. "I never got the chance to say I love you." I said to myself.

(Y/N)'s POV

I jolt up awake and taking a deep breath "Was that your plan to shoot at me?!" My boss smiled "Yes it was my plan and also the secret mission is to get the G and T virus samples." I looked at my boss weirdly "Why do you need those?" "To see if we can make the cure for everyone and everything." You nodded "How many samples are we talking about? You know Leon should help me on this." Your boss looked at you "I know you and Leon are together so I won't allow you to be partners with Leon anymore." My eyes widen "You can't do this to him and I. We love each other." My boss smiles "Not anymore he thinks you're dead."

No One's POV

You sighed "Is it just me or is there someone else?" Your boss looked at you "It's just you and there's a truck load full of the samples and it's heading to Raccoon City." You looked at your boss "Are you insane?! I haven't been in the city for 21 years!" Your boss smirked "Leon isn't just your boyfriend isn't he?" You looked down "You're (Y/N) Kennedy?" You sighed "Yeah we're married in secret but I'll do the mission."

Leon's POV

I looked at my wife's phone and the recent call is our boss. "What the hell did the boss want?" I was searching deeper into the phone then I heard a motorcycle starting in the garage and with that my wife's motorcycle is gone. "That better be you (Y/N)." I said to myself then I grabbed my motorcycle following my wife's motorcycle.

(Y/N)'s POV

I drove my motorcycle and I see the truck I drove faster and then I turned around and I saw zombie dogs following me "Shit!!" Then I saw Leon driving behind me and I looked away hoping he doesn't see my face. He kept doing crazy stunts and points the gun at the zombie dog by me and killed it.

"What are you doing here (Y/N)?! I thought you died!!" He yelled "I'll explain later but I need to do this on my own to get that truck!!" I yelled back "No you're not our boss is crazy and what's in the truck?!" He yelled "T and G viruses and I ha...

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"What are you doing here (Y/N)?! I thought you died!!" He yelled "I'll explain later but I need to do this on my own to get that truck!!" I yelled back "No you're not our boss is crazy and what's in the truck?!" He yelled "T and G viruses and I have to stop it before it reaches Raccoon City!"

Leon cuts me off and jumps on the truck and puts a grenade in the truck. Then I stopped the motorcycle and Leon hops on his own after watching the truck explode then he drives by me parking it beside me. "You idiot that was my mission to bring it bac-" He grabs me and kisses me roughly and hugs me tightly "I thought you were dead baby girl...do you know how I felt when you were shot?"

I teared up and hugged him back not saying anything. "Our boss is with umbrella babe." My eyes widen "How do you know?" Leon holds a chip with the umbrella symbol "This is a tracking device in your phone. Dammit baby if you brought this truck in people will kill you for real." I looked down and Leon lifts my head up "I love you so much baby girl and I don't want you to go on missions alone. We're partners till the end." He kisses me roughly again and I kiss him back holding him close.

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