When You Are A Shy Tiny Child

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(requested by user36811464)

You were scared and so little you didn't like these monsters so you hide from everyone. You were shy you barely talk and you saw a police officer shooting the monsters. He turned and saw you "Hey kiddo you okay?" You shyly nodded "What's your name?" You stood up and studders "(Y-Y/N)"  he smiles "That's a pretty name. I'm Officer Leon Kennedy where is your family?" He asked and you flinched and teared up "They hate me...they hit me then the monsters killed them..."

Leon's POV

I frowned the poor girl is so scared and shy "Hey I'll take you back to my home it's safe there." She nods and I gently carried her she has a bruise on her face. I immediately love her like a daughter and I held her close to me softly. "Just fall asleep kiddo we'll be home soon." She falls asleep in my arms and I kissed her head. "Everything is going to be okay." I whispered to her.

(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up seeing Leon sleeping beside me and I snuggled him close hoping the monsters won't get me. I really want him to call him daddy but I'm scared that he'll be mad and he's very young looking. I saw him wake up and I shyly smiled "Morning Leon." I said and he smiled "Morning kiddo. You hungry?"

I nodded smiling and he gets up to go to the kitchen then he grabs an ice pack gently putting on my face then says "Hold onto it kiddo it'll help the bruise." I listened to him and held to my face then he goes back to the stove. "What are you going to make dad-I mean Leon." He stops and turns around "Were you going to say daddy?" I shake my head " I accidentally let it slipped out." Leon goes close to me "You can call me daddy kiddo. I'm not upset at you. I would never hurt you." He touched my cheek gently after I removed the ice pack and I nodded "Okay daddy." He hugs me tightly "I'll be a good father to you kiddo I love you." I smiled "I love you too daddy."

Leon x Reader Short Stories and Imagines (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now