When You Can't Remember Leon and You're Working With Umbrella

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(requested by SHEPARD2996)

You were kidnapped by Umbrella and they stuck this spider looking thing in your chest that makes you forget Leon or being part of STARS but you can remember anything else like your name but not your last name... Kennedy.


"(Y/N) there's intruders please do take care of them. Their names are Leon and Helena. Please kill them love." I nodded and I left finding them. Once I found them I attack the female "(Y/N) it's me Leon your husband don't you remember?!" I heard him and I still attack "Leon we have to get the thing off her chest!!"

Leon's POV

I pinned my wife down and I grabbed the thing pulling it. She's yelling in pain and whimpers. "I'm sorry babe but I need to take this out." I gripped on it hard and it's fully out making her dizzy and I lift her up "L-Leon? I'm sorry I didn't know what I was doing." I shake my head "You were controlled by Wesker love there's nothing you did wrong." She looked at Helena "You must be Helena Leon's partner."

Helena nodded and I lift my wife up. "Let's take you ho-" I stopped talking cause Wesker is in front of us and my wife buries her head in my chest scared. "Ahhhh Leon I see you have found your wife. It's quite ashame that you all are going to die right now." I laid my wife on a bench and I grabbed my two wing shooters pointing at Wesker. "Helena take my wife and get out of here I'll come find you!!" I yelled and I shot Wesker multiple times till he becomes a monster and I keep shooting at him reloading my gun then I shoot him again and he falls dead. "Stay dead you son of bitch."

I ran to find my wife passed out in Helena's arms "She's getting weaker Leon. We need to take her in for medical care." I nodded and lifted my wife up holding her close "I got you baby just stay alive." I whispered then we go home.

(Y/N)'s POV

I wake up and I see Leon asleep "Hey honey I'm not dead you can wake up now." I said jokingly and he woke up and he hugs me gently "Honey please let me go. I'm okay." I laughed and he snuggled me "Never I'm glad you're strong enough now we can go home." He said and kisses me I kissed back smiling "I love you Leon." He smiled "I love you too."

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