When Leon "Dies" and Finds Out That You've Changed

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Leon's POV

I didn't want to tell (Y/N) about having another mission it's bad enough I'm in this mission rescuing people out of this burning place. I have to figure out a plan on how to do this. I could get myself killed...no because I don't know how much in pain (Y/N) will be in. I sighed and then I made my conclusion. "Chris I want you take care of (Y/N) for me." He looked at me "No Leon please don't do this your my brother think about (Y/N)!!" I smiled "I'll be back okay I'm just going to look for more survivors!! Tell (Y/N) I love her!!" I ran into the burning place and I see the helicopter waiting for me and I get on it watching the place crumble to the ground.

2 days later (Y/N)'s POV

Chris told me that Leon didn't make it and I didn't go downstairs at the wake I stayed in my room looking at his picture. "Hey (Y/N) you're needed downstairs." I heard Chris say and looked up at him with tears falling down. "I can't face everyone..." He frowned and hugged me tightly in tears "I promised Leon I'll take care of you. I can't break that promise." He kissed my head softly and held me tightly.

The Next Day At The Funeral No One's POV

You and everyone were sitting down looking the casket. "I think it's time for some final words. (Y/N) would you like to go first?" You gulped and nodded standing up. "Umm well for those who don't know me very well I'm Leon's girlfriend (Y/N) and...I just wanted to say thank you for coming here...I have a letter that Leon never read so I'll read it out loud."

You grabbed the envelope and opened it "My dearest Leon, it's been so long since you left but I just wanted to say how much I love you and how much you mean everything to me. I've been thinking about our future together marriage, kids, and our grandkids. But what happens if you don't come back home to me?" You teared up "I know you said that nothing will happen to you but what if something does? I'll be on the bed wondering where you are and what you're going through. I wish I can be with you. Please be safe and sound my love for I hope you write back to me. I love you, (Y/N)." You had tears falling and you set the letter on the casket. "Now I'm waiting for my time to come Leon."

2 Year's Later Leon's POV

I'm wearing sunglasses and a hoodie I'm back in town but I don't want people to know. "Well well well Leon back from the dead?" I turned and I saw Chris "Ummmm I don't know a Leon-" "CUT THE SHIT!" Chris banged on the table hard making me jumped "HOW THE HELL DID YOU COME BACK WHAT HAPPENED OUT THERE?!" I gulped "I had another mission...How did you know it was me?" He glared "The way you're dressed I can tell. Anyways what mission is so important?! (Y/N) is in a living hell!!" I looked at him "What do you mean?" Chris scoffed "She's depressed and addicted to drugs Leon."

My eyes widen in shock "Oh don't look so surprised asshole. She's trying to forget about you and she can't. You couldn't tell me your own brother and your girlfriend about this." He slammed a piece of paper in front of me. "I suggest you read it. (Y/N) wrote it before your "death" but she read it at your funeral and think about some shit you put (Y/N) through." He leaves the bar and I read the letter in tears. What have I done?

(Y/N)'s POV

I cried and grabbed my antidepressant pills popping them into my mouth. One side effect from them says may cause memory loss and death. I want to forget about him and die. Then I saw Chris upset "Awe what's the matter big guy? Can't handle me anymore?" He sighed and grabs all my empty pill bottles then got me new ones I reached for them but he locked them up. "No no no no I need them Chris!!" I yelled and cried in tears then I heard the door open "(Y/N)?" I looked and I backed away "Oh no I see a ghost of Leon!" I ran but Leon grabbed me "Oh great I'm dead now." I smiled and Leon looks at me seriously "You're not dead (Y/N)..." I looked at him "What do you mean?"

Leon's POV

I explained everything to her and the look on her face is what I expected...pain and anger. "SO YOU LIED TO ME AND EVERYONE ELSE?! DO YOU KNOW WHAT IM GOING THROUGH KNOWING THAT MY BOYFRIEND IS NOT HERE SO I WANTED TO KILL MYSELF OR FORGET ABOUT YOU?!" I sighed "I'm sorry (Y/N) I did think it through before faking my death. I mean I knew how you would feel-" "NO YOU DON'T KNOW HOW I FEEL I'M A DRUG ADDICT AND DEPRESSED. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IS IT LIKE TO LOSE SOMEONE YOU TRULY LOVE!!"

I slammed on the table "YES I DO (Y/N)!! I'M LOSING YOU WITH THE DRUGS YOU'RE TAKING!!" She fell silent and teared up looking down "Who are you really Leon? The Leon I once knew was not a liar or a fake..." She gets up and left the house as I sighed as I followed her "Go away Leon." I grabbed her softly and kissed her. She cried and kissed me back. "I'm sorry (Y/N), I'm so so so so sorry." I said and hugged her tightly "I'll set up a rehab appointment for you so you can get better." She nodded in tears "I love you Leon." I smiled "I love you too (Y/N)."

1 Week Later No One's POV

You had stop taking the drugs and Leon has helped you out on this hard journey. You were finally able to come home and Chris dumped out all the pills. "Leon I'm proud of you for saving your girlfriend when I wasn't able to get your girlfriend to stop." Leon smiled "Hey you've kept your promise and I did my part to make things right with her."

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