Leon Surprises You

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(requested by brooksey100)

You got up in the morning and gotten dressed then a knock was heard from the door. You opened and see Chris "Hey I have a letter for you (N/N)." He gave you a piece of paper and you read it.

Hey baby girl welcome to my scavenger hunt I'm back home from my mission and I have clues on where to find me. Chris, Claire, and Jill will be your guides. Good luck baby!! ~Leon
P.S. The first clue is where we first met.

(Y/N)'s POV

I smiled excitedly "Chris can you take me to the park?" He smiled and nodded "Of course (N/N) let's go!" I hopped in his car then we drive to see Claire "Here's the 2nd note (N/N)." She hands it to me and I look at it.

Way to go baby girl you found the park now where did we go when I proposed to you? Good luck my love. ~Leon

I smiled "Chris we need to go to the fancy restaurant." He smiled as he drives off with Claire in the backseat to the restaurant then I see Jill "Third and final clue dear." She said and I read it.

Okay baby girl I know you love this restaurant but sadly you gotta find me. Here's the last clue where did we get married at? ~Leon

I smiled excitedly "Chris to the private beach!!" He drives to the beach and I hope out seeing Leon with a big smile standing on the dock. "Leon!!" I yelled then I hugged him tightly and kisses him. He kisses back then pulls away. "I knew you could find me baby. God I missed you." He said as I smiled "I miss you too honey." We went home and I snuggled him on the couch smiling.

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