When Your Dating Your Dad's Best Friend Leon

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(requested by awesomesauce0502 and LEMON)

Your dad and Leon are best of friends since high school. Leon is 20 years older than you. You're 22 and he's 42 but what your dad doesn't know is that you both have been secretly dating. When Leon was watching you at 16 years old when your dad went on a long business trip. You sat on Leon's lap kissing him and he kissed back. You guys never had sex but you both waited till you were old enough.

(Y/N)'s POV

I texted Leon as he's talking to my dad and I sent to him.

(Y/N)- Leon I'm ready to be yours officially <3

I see that he looked at the message on his phone and he blushes softly. "So Leon I was wondering if you would go on a business trip with me? I'm leaving tonight." My dad asked him and I immediately looked up quickly. "I'm sorry I can't gotta be home to my wife you know."

That was our code that I'm his "wife". I bought him a wedding ring well actually it's a promise ring I gave him  but we use it to make it seem like he's married. "That's okay Leon I know what you mean." I sighed in relief and texted Leon then sent it.

(Y/N)- You can go babe I'm okay with you going.

He read it and looked at me without turning his head. "Your wife texting you Leon?" Leon looks at my dad "Yeah I have to go home. She's worried you know." He chuckled "I'll escort you out Mr. Kennedy." I said smiling "Awe this is why I love you my daughter is always so generous to everyone." I smiled "I love you too daddy."

Leon looks at me "Are you serious about being ready for the next level?" I nodded "I've been ready since that kiss 6 years ago." Leon smirks "Then I'll see you tonight when your father leaves to the hotel." I nodded and kissed him roughly then I pulled away "I'll be waiting."

6 Hours Later Leon's POV

I rang the doorbell and I see my girl in my favorite bra and panties set I bought. "I see that you're prepared." She grabs my arm and pulls me inside kissing me roughly. I kisses her back and lifted her up taking her to her dad's bedroom. "Leon no not my dad's room." I smirked "Just relax baby." She smiled and nodded "I know you're nervous honey but I'll take care of you." She takes a deep breath and I take her bra and panties off. "You look so beautiful." She blushes and I kissed her laying her down.

I sucked on her breasts and licks them up "Ahhhhh hmmm Leon!" I groaned and I take my clothes off then I licked down to her core and sucks softly "Ahhhh hmmm Leon baby please fuck me hard!" I pull away and I stick my member in her then she tears up "Shhhh baby girl it's gonna be okay." She nods and I move in her hard "Ahhhhh hmmm Leon!!" Oh crap I'm gonna cum "Baby I'm sorry I'm cumming inside!" I came and I pulled out. "Leon what if i get pregnant?" I smiled "We'll tell your dad that I'm yours forever. If you accept becoming my official wife." I held out the ring to her and she smiles tearing up. "Yes Leon I'll be officially your wife." I kissed her softly and smile.

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