When You and Leon Wake Up

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You wake up early and making breakfast for you and your fiancé  Leon. Of course you guys had a long night to the point where the Redfield's set up your engagement party and you all had gotten drunk. Leon was sleeping shirtless so you picked the shirt out for him and it was laying on the chair in the living room.

Leon's POV

I wakes up finding myself all alone. 'Where is the love of my life?'  I asked myself and I smell something good.  'I'm so lucky I'm marrying her. She makes the best food.' I get up wearing my sweatpants and see my favorite shirt is on the chair. Always know what I want to wear. I smirked and goes downstairs to see my future wife.

(Y/N)'s POV

I turned around and smiled "Good morning Leon." He yawns and puts on his shirt. "Good morning my future wifey." He goes up to me and kisses me softly then goes to sit at the table. I sit down and puts the two plates on the table in front of the both of us. Leon however pouts and scoots over to me. "You are too far away from me." I looked at him confusingly "I'm only two feet away from you."

He pouts "Two feet is far away." He said as he puts my fork into the food and moves it towards my lips "Open." He said and I blushed opening my mouth letting Leon feed me. Once we were done eating I kissed him softly. "I love you Mr. Kennedy." Leon blushed and smiled "I love you too Mrs. Kennedy."

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