When You Lose Your House and You Move In With Leon

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(requested by SHEPARD2996)

You were in tears getting an evacuation notice at your house because you missed a bill. You lost your job and you couldn't afford to live anywhere on your own.

Suddenly Leon calls you and you answered "Hey Leon." You said trying to hide your cracked voice. "Hey (Y/N) I'm sorry you lost your job and also I saw the notice. I was wondering if you would like to live with me?" You beamed up "Yeah that'll be great!"

You packed your stuff up since it's not a big place so you grabbed what you really wanted. Then you put the box in the back seat and he drives off.

Once when you two got to his place. You went to the guest room and you put your stuff in. "(Y/N) want anything to eat?" You shake your head "No Leon I'm fine thank you." He nods and left the room. You wish you both were dating but you were shy to tell him how you feel. "Hey (Y/N) you can sleep in my room with me. This room could be your study room." You nodded "Also I love you more than a friend. Will you be my-" you kissed him making him shut up and he kissed you back.

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