When You and Leon Cook Together

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You were hungry so you decided that you wanted to make (F/F) to yourself and not share any. You decided to grab everything to make it and washed your hands but then you feel hands on your waist and kisses on your shoulders. "Leon go away this food I'm making is mine and only mine." You said proudly and he looks at you "Bitch please I bought all the ingredients I should take credit." He said in a sassy tone.

You both giggled and then you finally said "Okay fine I'll share only because I love you." Leon smiled "I love you too (Y/N)." He kisses you and then washes his hands so he can help you make the food. He starts to chop up the vegetables while you cook the meat. (or if you're vegan or vegetarian make something up.) You hummed a tune and then you yelped slightly rubbing your butt "Leon!! Stop smacking my butt!!" You pouted as he chuckled and continued to cooked the vegetables.

Once the food was done and mixed you both ate the food. "Hey Leon you have something on your lip." You smirked and licked the spot softly making Leon all flustered and blushing.

"Seriously (Y/N)? I could of gotten it now I have a problem here and you're gonna get punished." He smirked you yelped and ran away making Leon chasing you around the house. Once when Leon finally caught you lets just say you both had a long night in the bedroom. ;)

Leon x Reader Short Stories and Imagines (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now