When You and Leon Have Twins Final Part

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Leon's POV

The twins are 6 years old now and my have they grown. (D/N) is so beautiful like her mom but has my hair color and eyes and (S/N) is like me but with his mom's (H/C) mixed with mine and also her (E/C). I'm proud of my kids they never argue and always share. Right now it's my wedding day to be officially making (Y/N) my wife. I'm pretty nervous but I'm happy. I wear my suit and I fix my tie nervously.

My son comes in the dressing room "Hey kiddo

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My son comes in the dressing room "Hey kiddo....what are you wearing?" (S/N) looks at me "Uncle Chris picked it out for me." I chuckled thinking my best man is making my son a badass "You look awesome kiddo just like me." He smiles "You should see mommy and (D/N) they're so pretty like princesses."

Speaking of (D/N) she comes in with her hair done and her dress makes her so beautiful

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Speaking of (D/N) she comes in with her hair done and her dress makes her so beautiful.

Speaking of (D/N) she comes in with her hair done and her dress makes her so beautiful

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"Daddy you look like a king and mommy looks like a queen." I lift her up smiling "You and (S/N) look like a prince and a princess." She giggled and runs to her mother in the other dressing room. Then Chris walks in "It's time buddy you ready?" I sighed and nodded then walked out while Chris took care of (S/N).

(Y/N)'s POV

"It's time girl you ready?" My Maid of Honor (BFF/N) asked. I nervously nodded and looked at my wedding dress in the mirror and played with my hair.

 I nervously nodded and looked at my wedding dress in the mirror and played with my hair

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I saw my twins looking at me smiling "You look pretty mommy." (S/N) said to me "Thank you sweetie and you look so handsome." He smiled at me and (D/N) held my shaking hand "Mommy it's okay you'll be a queen soon." I smiled and nodded kissing her hair softly.

Chris and (BFF/N) smiled while nodding and I nodded back "Let's do this." I said then the doors opened and Chris and (BFF/N) walked first down the isle then the kids and now it's just me left and I walked in taking a deep breath.

Leon's POV

I saw my beautiful (Y/N) walking down the isle and I smiled in tears. She's so drop dead gorgeous my son held my hand smiling up at me. I smiled back and then look up at my bride again.

Time Skip on everything and now the vows also No One's POV

You and Leon decided to do non traditional wedding vows and when it was time to say them Leon went first

I, Leon, take you (Y/N) to be my lawfully wedded wife. I take you with all your faults and all your strengths, as I offer myself to you with all my faults and all my strengths. Before these witnesses I pledge to share my life openly with you, to speak the truth to you in love. I promise to honor and care for you, to cherish and encourage your own fulfillment as an individual through all the changes of our lives. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life.

You cried and said the same words to him. The preacher smiles "It's time for the rings young man." He said to (S/N). He nodded and set his brief case down on the table opening it and turns it around to Leon showing the rings to him.

Leon chuckled and nodded picking up his wife's ring putting it on her left hand ring finger and you take Leon's ring putting it on his left hand ring finger

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Leon chuckled and nodded picking up his wife's ring putting it on her left hand ring finger and you take Leon's ring putting it on his left hand ring finger. They smiled saying more promises about the ring. The preacher smiled "May you both shall live forever even in death I may pronounce Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy." You both kissed deeply and pulled away. Everyone cheered and you both lived happily with your kids.

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