When You and Leon Didn't Know About Each Other As Monsters

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(Requested by Amera_dark and I'm adding a little lemon to this)

Leon and you have been together for a month. You both have secrets from each other. You both are human in the daylight but at night you guys are creatures of the night. You are a Werewolf and Leon is a Vampire but you both don't know that until one night.

(Y/N)'s POV

I was chasing a doe I'm hungry I hate eating cooked meat but Leon makes the meat better than me soooo one point for him. Leon eats salads though while I eat cooked meat but he smells like dead blood. So I snuck out a night and getting this doe. Then I saw someone running faster than me and tackling my prey. I stopped and growled at the person who's drinking the doe's....blood? I stopped and the person looked up at me and I was shocked "Leon?" All of sudden I'm in heat....Shit.

Leon's POV

I stared at my girlfriend shocked. She's a Werewolf? I couldn't believe it she has a fluffy tail, ears twitching, yellow eyes, teeth showing, and her smell. I can smell when an animal is in heat and I can definitely tell that my wolf is. She looks sexy and cute at the same time. "Uhhhhhh hi (Y/N). So this is why you hate my cooked steaks and other meat?" She blushed "Yeah but I didn't want to tell you that I like raw meat."

She looks at me "You never told me that you're a Vampire. No wonder you had the smell of dead blood even though you said you're a vegetarian." I chuckled and get up grabbing her arm gently "You're in heat." She blushes red "How do you know?" I smirked "I can smell. So why don't I help you out my love?" She blushes and says "Okay Leon."

(Y/N)'s POV

I was panting hard as Leon was touching me once when we arrived back at our place. I'm full human except I still have my tail and ears they don't go away when I'm in heat. I felt Leon petting my tail and I was getting more wet down there. "Your tail is so soft and fluffy." I heard him say then he took off his clothes and then sticks his member inside. I panted as he moved inside of me and shortly he came inside of me then I howled as Leon groaned.

The Next Morning (Y/N)'s POV

I woke up and both of us is in the sunlight naked. I smiled and petted Leon's hair softly as he's waking up. "Good morning my little sexy wolf." He said to me as I cuddled him "Good morning my vampire boyfriend." I said smiling and we got our clothes on then I was hungry. Leon smirked at me knowing I'm hungry "Raw steak?" I nodded and said "Yes please. Want me to drain the blood first?" He nods then kisses me "I love you my little wolf." I smiled "I love you too my vampire."

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