When You Are at Work and Leon Proposes

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You are working with files from missions your boyfriend has completed and you sighed in relief that's he's still alive. Then I started thinking about my family hoping that they're proud of me no matter what.

Leon's POV

My poor girlfriend is sitting there looking through the files so I went to get her coffee "Hey babe I brought some coffee for you." I smiled then frown when I see her sad "Hey what's wrong?"

(Y/N)'s POV

I look at the picture of my family that died and I wish I was there to protect them. "Nothing baby... I'm fine." I faked smiled. Leon looks at the file I saw and it was my family "This wasn't your fault babe there was nothing we could've done." I nodded "I know it's just that...I wish I was there with them..."

Leon grabs me gently "Babe don't talk like that! If you were there and dead I wouldn't be asking to marry me right now...." I was shocked. "What do you mean Leon?" I teared up as he gets down on one knee. "Will you marry me?" I nodded saying yes in tears. He smiled and held out a ring putting it on my finger. "I love you (N/N). Please don't blame yourself." I nodded "I promise." I kissed him softly.

" I kissed him softly

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