When Leon Takes You to A New Year's Party

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(requested by SHEPARD2996)

"Leon you know I hate parties I just wanna relax with you." Leon smiles "Just this once baby please? It's just you, Chris, Claire, Jill, and I are going together." You sighed "Okay fine you win just only for this year." Little did you know he had another plan.

When you both arrived to the party turns out it's outside and you smiled at the view. "Hey you two love birds so glad you can make it." Chris says hugging you both.

Jill smiled and hugged you too "Gosh (Y/N) you're so beautiful tonight." She said smiling "Thank you Jill it's so good to see you."

Claire smiled and hugged you both. "You two excited for tonight?" Leon chuckles "I am but idk about my girlfriend here." He smirks at you and you were confused "Okay what's going on here? I didn't want to come here but you guys have a beautiful view, decorations, and champagne. This is more than a New Year's party." Leon chuckled "You're right (N/N) this is more than a party..." Everyone started counting from 10 then he got down on one knee, 9 he smiles holding the box, 8 you were in shock, 7 he opens the box, 6 you gasped and look at the ring

" Everyone started counting from 10 then he got down on one knee, 9 he smiles holding the box, 8 you were in shock, 7 he opens the box, 6 you gasped and look at the ring

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5 Leon starts to speak "(Y/N) I love you with all my heart. Will you marry me?", 4 "Yes Leon I'll marry you", 3 he puts the ring on you, 2 he gets up holding you close and leans down,  and 1 you two kissed and the fireworks light up the sky.

 Will you marry me?", 4 "Yes Leon I'll marry you", 3 he puts the ring on you, 2 he gets up holding you close and leans down,  and 1 you two kissed and the fireworks light up the sky

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Leon smiled pulling away "This is an engagement party for us." You smiled and said "This is the best New Year's ever. I love you." Leon smiled "I love you too baby."

Leon x Reader Short Stories and Imagines (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now