When You Have the Same Powers As Ruby Rose from RWBY

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(requested by Amera_dark)

You were walking down the street and you saw a lot of zombies coming your way. You smiled and grabbed your Crescent Rose and turned it into a sniper gun. You shot every single zombie killing them instantly and running fast like a cheetah. "Serves you right assholes." You said then you see a guy with short blonde brown hair, crystal blue eyes, and he's wearing sexy clothes holding a gun.

"Hey where did you learn those moves?" He asked you and you simply said "I taught myself" you giggled "Just kidding I was in a fighting school in Raccoon City just happened to be the fastest learner and fighter

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"Hey where did you learn those moves?" He asked you and you simply said "I taught myself" you giggled "Just kidding I was in a fighting school in Raccoon City just happened to be the fastest learner and fighter. I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and you are?" He smiled "Leon, Leon Kennedy I was part off the incident too in Raccoon City."

(Y/N)'s POV

I nodded and smiled holding my Crescent Rose weapon "You made that weapon?" I smiled and nodded "Yeah it's nothing though just turns into a sniper rifle." He smiled "I'm impressed with it to be honest." I blushed and smiled "Thank you Leon I'm happy about it." I answered and smiled then I keep walking to go back home. "Hey wait where are you going? It's not safe here anymore why don't you come with me and figure how to leave the city?"

I smiled and nodded "Okay Leon I'll go with you." I walked towards Leon and he held my hand as we walked to his place. "I like your home Leon. It feels very safe here."

Leon's POV

I smiled "Yeah you're right it does huh?" I responded chuckling "You're welcome to stay here as long as you need to." She smiled and nodded "Okay thanks. I'm glad you are being so nice to me." I looked at her "You never had anyone nice to you?" She shook her head "No not really no one showed me love or anything. My parents hated me and all my exes hated me too sooooo yeah my life story."

I nodded "Sooooooo you never been kissed then?" She shook her head no again I smiled "Let me show you." With that I kissed her softly and she kisses me back moaning softly. I pulled away "Will you be my girlfriend? We can survive together and I'll protect you." She blushes and smiles "Yes I will be your girlfriend." We go to my bedroom and went to bed cuddling and fell asleep.

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