When Leon Gets Help From You

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(requested by Fie-chan and this RE6 mixed with Devil May Cry 5)

Leon's POV

I was shooting zombies and then I saw a gold glow then a woman fell out of the sky "What the hell?" I ran to her "DAMN YOU VERGIL!!" She looks at me "Dante? Oh wait you're not Dante." She looks around frantically "Who the hell are you? Where am I?" I cleared my throat "My name is Leon Kennedy and you are in China. Who are you?"

(Y/N)'s POV

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N) I'm a Demon Hunter I've been with my friends Vergil and his twin brother Dante. He looks like you sooooo yeah. But Vergil's stupid sword brought me here fucking asshole." Leon laughs at me so point my sword at him "You think I'm lying?!" Leon smirks "I need your help with zombies think you can do it?"

I looked around "Looks better than demons." I ran and I killed them with my sword smirking and Leon grabs my arm kissing me. "What was that for?" I asked him and he smiles "I'm falling for you at first sight." I blushed and he kisses me again then I kissed back.

1 Month Later Leon's POV

"So you are a demon zombie hunter now and it suits you." I said then she giggled and holds my hand "Leon?" I looked at her "Thank you for everything Leon." I kissed her hand and smiles "You're welcome my love." I rubbed her tummy softly "Let's hope the baby is going to be like us." She smiled "I bet he or she will Leon." I smiled back.

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