When Leon Has A Pet Crow

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You get startled when it comes to Leon's pet crow he named her Raven. She has red eyes and she doesn't like people touching her except Leon. "Hey babe you wanna pet Raven?" You shook your head no.

Leon's POV

She's nervous of petting Raven so I sat down on my office chair petting her.

She's nervous of petting Raven so I sat down on my office chair petting her

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"Babe come sit here by me." She shakes her head again "Fine I'll sit by you then and don't move." I slowly get up and sat down by her. "Hold your arm out like how I'm doing this." She does what I say and then I move my arm then Raven went on my girlfriend's arm. "Hold still baby girl." She nods and I smiled.

(Y/N)'s POV

I can't believe I'm holding Raven and he grabs my other hand "Pet her underneath the chin babe." I gently pet her chin and she closes her eyes enjoying the petting. "See? Not so bad." I giggled "Okay from now on I'm not nervous about petting her." He smiled and takes Raven to her cage.

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