When You and Leon Have Twins part 2 of 3

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Two months later and you were ready to give birth. You are officially 9 months pregnant and Leon got your bag ready by the door just in case if you ended up in labor. Leon is super excited to meet his babies while you are tired and want them out already looks like you're wish came true...

(Y/N)'s POV 2 AM

I was sleeping and I feel pain in my stomach and wetness. I jolted up and I was in so much pain "L-Leon wake up it's time!" I yelled and Leon woke up and helped me while he's grabbing my bag and we got into the car.

Leon's POV

I was super happy and scared at the same time as I'm driving to the hospital. "Hang on baby we're almost there." I said to her as we're arriving to the hospital.

(Y/N)'s POV

I was taken to the delivery room as Leon stays by my side holding my hand. I've been in labor for 8 hours which mean it's 10 in the morning and now my doctor says it's time to push and I did. At 10:36 (S/N) is born first and at 10:45 (D/N) is the last one out. I fell asleep I was so tired.

Leon's POV

My twins are here I'm super happy and I get to hold them first. Two nurses comes in with a blue and pink bundles in both of their arms. (D/N) looks like her mom 100% and (S/N) looks like me 100% as well.

 (D/N) looks like her mom 100% and (S/N) looks like me 100% as well

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I burst into tears and kiss both of their heads. Then Chris, Jill, Claire, Sherry, (BFF/N), and Helena showed up quietly picking the babies up from my arms congratulating (Y/N) and I. I thanked them and my girlfriend is peacefully sleeping so we were all talking quietly.

Time Skip No One's POV

(Y/N) finally woke up and sees that it's 5 PM. You were so tired but you wanted to meet the babies. "Everyone had just left." Leon said looking at you smiling. "Want to officially meet our kids?" You nodded and he carefully lays (S/N) in your arms. You burst into tears happily. "Hey (S/N) I'm mommy I'm so happy to finally meet you and your little sister." You look at your daughter sleeping in Leon's arms "Awe someone's a daddy's girl." Leon smirked and held her close.

"So Leon are you staying or going home?" You asked him "I'll stay with you and the kids. Like I said I'm not gonna leave you we are a team." You smiled and nodded.

Time Skip at yours and Leon's house Leon's POV

We laid the twins down in their cribs in their nursery which I love the decorations.

We sat on the couch and setting up cameras hooking up the program on the computer since we are special agents

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We sat on the couch and setting up cameras hooking up the program on the computer since we are special agents. I want my kids protected at all costs. Then I hear my girlfriend say "You are a great father I'm so proud of you." I smiled and we went to bed.

Time Skip to a year (Y/N)'s POV

I'm getting ready for my kids' one year old party and my now fiancé Leon is helping me out. I'm stressed because the photographer is super late and then canceled the last minute. Then I decided to make two small cakes. One with blue frosting all over and the other pink frosting. Leon grabbed my camera and we decided to make our own pictures. We set the cakes in front of them and (S/N) was messy and (D/N) wasn't too messy and we took a photo and loved it.

Leon's POV

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Leon's POV

(S/N) is like me with my baby pictures messy and doesn't give a damn while (D/N) is like (Y/N) a little messy but loves to have fun. I'm so proud of my family. I don't want these moments to end.

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