When You and Leon Broke Up Part 2

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was chained up and tortured by someone I couldn't see for the last week. I'm so hungry and thirsty I haven't had a meal at all. They wanted information about something I actually don't know. I wish Leon was here I miss him...he probably doesn't miss me though. He probably doesn't want to save me.

Then a different person came in with heavy bolt cutter "Please I'm telling you I actually don't know anything." Then a light shined on the person and I could see him clearly with his blue eyes and stern with guilt look on his face. "L-Leon?" I asked weakly "Hey (N/N)." He answered and he clipped the chains off of me. I hugged him close and he lift me up gently as I hissed in pain. "H-How did you find me?" He smirked "Chris got a location on the last time you were seen. We're were just looking and then I found you. The guy that did this to you is arrested. Now let's go home."

We quietly left the building and I saw Chris "You look like shit (Y/N)." I chuckled softly and snuggled up with Leon. "Thanks for saving me guys." When we got home Leon started a shower for me "I'm going to make a big meal for you. Since you probably haven't had anything to eat." I nodded and got in the shower.

When I was all cleaned up Leon had just finished making (F/F) I smiled "Looks good Leon." He looked at me smiling "I tried my best." We sat down and to my surprise he poured water for himself then he saw my wide eyes "I quit drinking just so you know." I nodded and started to eat.

"So um what did they want information on?" He asked me "I don't know I can't remember." I lied all he did was stare at me "You're a terrible liar and I'm serious." Leon said sternly and I sighed "The viruses, they want to know about them. I don't know anything I just know they're making people dead and become zombies. They know we were together so they thought you told me information. I said that we broke up two weeks ago"

I looked down and stopped eating then Leon gets up and goes in front of me on his knees holding my hands "(N/N) I'm so sorry you were right about my drinking problem and I was stupid to leave you. I still love you." I teared up "I still love you too Leon." I kissed him softly and he lifts me up. He takes me into our bedroom not breaking our kiss and we pulled away. "You know I miss these nights with you." He said chuckling and I snuggled him "Me too you're like a teddy bear I lost but now I hope you wouldn't leave me again." Leon looks at me "I will never leave you again. I promise." He kissed me on the head and we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

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