When Leon Gets Shot And You Helped Him

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(requested by TeamAlucard21)

Leon's POV

I've been shooting at the zombies but there was a nurse taking care of patients and a survivor pointed the gun at her "Hey bitch thanks a lot for not saving my sister!!" He pulled the trigger and I immediately tackled her then I felt pain in my back. "Fuck that hurt." So the nurse grabbed me quickly before we were shot at again.

(Y/N)'s POV

The police officer saved me so I took him to a room taking his shirt off blushing slightly. I pulled the bullet out since it wasn't deep. "Thank you for saving me officer..." He smiled "Leon Kennedy." I smiled "Well nice to meet you Leon here let me bandage you up." He smiled and I bandaged him. "Thank you miss..." I laugh "(Y/N) (L/N). It's nice to meet you." He smiled "It's very nice to meet you too."

Leon's POV

Damn she's so very beautiful and sexy I have to admit it. "So how long have you been a nurse?" She smiled "Just started." I was shocked "I'm a medical student and this is my first time on duty." She blushes and I take her hand. "Thank you for helping me." She smiled "You're welcome Leon."

"Is it bad that a police officer wants to go out with a nurse?" She laughed "No I don't think so but I'll accept officer." I smiled and kissed her cheek "Coffee sound good?" She smiled "Yes sounds good." I take her hand smiling and kissed her lips softly. "I love you (Y/N)." She smiled "I love you too Leon."

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