When Jill Tells You She's Pregnant and You Tell Her You're Pregnant Too

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Your sister Jill and you are eating so much food "Geez (N/N) you're hungry this much too?" You nodded "How come you're eating so much?" Jill swallows the food "I'm pregnant. I'm 3 months along." You smiled and hugged her "Congrats sister and guess what I'm pregnant too! About 1 month now." You both hugged each other and eating more food.

"Hey take it easy girls. Jill I know you're pregnant but (N/N) I'm surprised." Chris said "I'm pregnant too Chris so shut up!" You yelled making Chris jumped "Have you told Leon?" You shake your head "Nope my baby is still a surprise so don't say anything."

Leon's POV

Geez my girlfriend is so moody and I hope my proposal to her goes well if she says no I will be broken I knocked on the door "Hey Jill and Chris is (Y/N) here?" They nodded and I went in "Oh good you're here Leon I need to tell you something."

I get nervous "What is it?" She smiled "I'm 1 month pregnant Leon!" I was shocked and smiled "Wait you and Jill are pregnant at the same time?" They giggled and nodded "Well Jill's 2 months ahead of me." She smiled getting a snack. "Okay so will you marry me?" She stopped and turned around looking at me. "Yes Leon I will!" I grabbed the ring that says forever and always because I'm staying with her and not leaving at all then slipped it on her finger smiling then I kiss her with so much passion and love.

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