When You and Leon Go To Chris's Birthday Party and You Tell Leon You're Pregnant

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(Requested by SHEPARD2996)

You looked down at the pregnancy test and you're scared. Leon told you 2 weeks ago he doesn't want kids because of his job. You accidentally missed your birth control shot. "Hey baby you ready to go?" Oh crap you forgot that you two were going to Chris's birthday party.

You hid the test in your bag and walked passed Leon wanting to cry and you both leave while you're looking out the window tearing up.

Leon's POV

(Y/N) has not spoken to me in fact she wouldn't even look at me. Something's wrong and I can feel it. I saw her tearing up but I don't want to ask her what's wrong.

No One's POV

Once you two arrived you both went inside. You ran finding Claire "Claire we need to talk ASAP." You dragged her upstairs "Woah woah woah slow down what's going on (Y/N)?"

You cried and hugged her "I'm pregnant I accidentally missed a shot because my doctor cancelled it and Leon told me he doesn't want kids." Claire was confused "Really? Cause he told me he was ready for you two start a family." You looked confused "Really?" She nodded "Talk to Leon and just stay cool okay?" You nodded and went downstairs.

"Leon can I talk to you?" You asked and he nodded "Sure. What's wrong?" You take a deep breath "I'm pregnant Leon." You pulled out the test and showed him.

Leon's POV

I saw the stick and I smiled "That's great baby. Follow me outside and I'll explain." I walk outside with her "I cancelled your shot I'm sorry I thought about us being family for a week and I wanted a child with you." You teared up and hug him tightly "I love you honey." He said hugging back "I love you too."

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