When You Have A Wolf Dog For A Pet

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(requested by Amera_dark)

You have a fluffy white wolf mixed with husky dog and she's very protective you named her Sky. "Awe Sky you're such a cutie I'm  gonna go on a date so be on your best behavior okay?" She barks and you giggled hearing the doorbell "Come in Leon." He walks in and he stares at your wolf dog "Sky meet Leon and Leon meet Sky my wolf mixed with husky."

Leon's POV

Wow she's a pretty good dog for a wolf "Hey Sky aren't you such a beautiful wolf." I held my hand out and she sniffs it then she lays down asking for tummy rubs so I pet her softly I looked at my girlfriend and she smiled "She's 80% wolf and a whole lot of fluff from the husky gene." I chuckled and Sky licks my hand "So what did you want to do for our date?" I heard her ask "Well I was thinking we can hang out here with Sky and you." She smiled and nodded "Okay sounds good to me I'll make dinner for us three. Sky does raw chicken sound good?"

(Y/N)'s POV

She barks and I get the chicken out of the freezer "Need some help?" I turned around and Leon is by the door "Yeah if you want to Leon." He smiled and goes to the sink washing his hands "How long have you had Sky?" I smiled "Ever since she was a pup I found her abandoned and I thought she was just a husky but nope the vet says she got almost all wolf in her DNA. Guys I've dated she didn't like them at all. All she does is growl and glare but you....you're the only guy she likes. I guess the other guys were trouble and they left." He went towards me and then kisses me softly. I kissed back and then Sky got between us and sat down barking "Sky!" We laughed and then kisses her furry cheeks.

Leon's POV

I love the both of them and when we all got done with cooking we all sat down to eat while Sky eats her raw chicken. Once when we got done eating I put the dishes away and (Y/N) puts Sky's bones in the garbage.

"Hey Leon?" I looked up at her "Can you do me a favor and look outside for me to see if there's a full moon? There's something I gotta show you." I nodded and look outside "Yeah there's a full moon."

(Y/N)'s POV

"Great come on Sky let's go for a walk to the cliff." She barks and we go outside while I'm holding Leon's hand and when we got to the cliff Sky runs up howling at the moon "Wow" I heard Leon say and I smiled "Yeah wow indeed." We go closer and Sky lays down then I laid on her side. "Lay on her Leon she doesn't care." He gulped and laid on her side by me with his arms behind his head.

Leon's POV

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Leon's POV

I smiled at my girlfriend and Sky "I'm glad I'm dating you (Y/N) this is so cool that you have Sky." She smiled and kisses me softly "I'm glad you love her just as much I do." I smiled "I love the both of you equally." She giggled and we laid there under the moonlight.

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