When You and Leon Goes To Claire's Birthday Party

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Claire invited you and Leon to her birthday party. You heard Leon talking with Claire on the phone with the speaker on. "Claire I'm scared to do this." You heard her sigh "Leon you didn't buy a ring for nothing she's not my blood little sister but I want her happy for my birthday so please do the right thing." He sighs "Okay thanks Claire I'll see you soon." You knocked on the door "Something wrong honey?"

Leon's POV

I turned around and I blushed "Nothing is wrong but wow you're beautiful in that dress."

She blushes "Oh thank you Claire bought it for me since it's a gala birthday party

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She blushes "Oh thank you Claire bought it for me since it's a gala birthday party." I got up and walk to her looking into her eyes and I realized that yep I'm gonna ask her to marry me. "Leon can we go?" I smiled and nodded.

Time Skip (Y/N)'s POV

Everyone was wearing fancy clothes and drinking champagne Leon was talking to Chris and he pulled out something making Chris surprised. "(Y/N)!!" I saw Claire running towards me squishing me in a death hug. "Hey Claire so good to see you happy birthday." I said fake smiling "Okay what's going on with that fake smile?"

I sighed and I took her hand to a private room "Okay Leon, you, and Chris are acting so weird I'm confused. I heard you and Leon talking about a ring." Claire sighed "(Y/N) the reason why I didn't want a gift from you both is because you don't look so happy all the time and that's all I wanted is you being happy." "But I am happy I have you and Chris being my family and I can see that Leon would be the husband I always wanted." I said to her hugging her so tightly "So is that a yes?" I turned around and Leon gets on one knee holding out a ring

" I said to her hugging her so tightly "So is that a yes?" I turned around and Leon gets on one knee holding out a ring

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I was shocked and I teared up. "Yes Leon it's a yes." Leon cried and hugged me tightly slipping the ring on my finger. "I love you till the day I die (Y/N)."

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