What Leon Does for Your Birthday ;)

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Leon was on a mission and you were upset that he was missing your birthday. Everyone was celebrating with you but you wanted Leon to be there too. You opened your gifts sadly and hoping one of them is from Leon but nope. You also ate your cake with a sad look in your eyes.

Your mother hugged you tightly knowing what's wrong while everyone else left except your mom and (BFF/N) "I'm sorry he couldn't make it honey. I know you were so looking forward to spend time with him." You nodded in tears. "I just miss him so much. He's missing everything out just because he's a special agent and his job is more important than me. I mean I know it's saving lives but he's been gone for weeks or months. I don't get to see him often I just wish one day he can take a break." You were so angry and broken hearted that you just didn't finish your cake.

Your best friend (BFF/N) smiled then saw Leon at the door running. "Hey (N/N) there's a delivery at your door. Better hurry he's sweating and panting like a dog." You looked at him/her confusingly and go to the door opening it to see Leon sweating and panting with red roses in his hands. "So, am I late or-"

"Leon!!" you cut him off and hugged him tightly "I missed you." Leon smiled as your mom takes the roses from his hand and he hugs you back. "I missed you too honey." He grabs a package in his jacket "Happy Birthday my love." You thanked him and opened the gift "Oh Leon it's beautiful you didn't have to buy me an expensive gift." You said smiling and Leon puts the necklace on you. "I wanted to its your birthday." You blushed and smiled looking down at the necklace in the mirror by the door.

"I love you Leon

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"I love you Leon." You said smiling and sees Leon kissing your neck "I love you too." He then whispers in your ear "Tonight I'm gonna make love to you. I missed you too much." You blushed so hard and nodded making Leon chuckle.

Leon's POV

Mrs. (L/N) walked towards me handing me the last piece of cake as she put (Y/N)'s roses in a fancy vase. "Thank you Mrs. (L/N) for the cake and keeping (Y/N) so calm. We both know how she is when she's upset." Mrs. (L/N) laughs "She's definitely got her father's anger before he died from the zombies." I nodded I knew (Y/N)'s dad he was the sheriff when I started out as a rookie. He was the one to tell me to stay at home for another week since the apocalypse broke out. I was the one who shot him in the head then I was the one to tell the family. That's how I met (Y/N) and I fell in love with her. That was 5 years ago since I am 26 years old now.

(Y/N)'s POV

My best friend and I were in my room and I'm blushing beat red. "There is no way I'm wearing that (BFF/N)." She/He looked at me "Bitch please if  Leon sees you wearing this he'll fuck your brains out." I rolled my eyes "But why red lingerie? Leon's favorite colors is black or dark blue." (BFF/N) smirks "The color red means passion, desire, and love. You both have those things so wear it." I blushed while changing in the bathroom this is our first time doing it and I shyly came out not seeing my best friend at the door but Leon.

"L-Leon what are you doing up here?" He smirked staring at me up and down "(BFF/N) said to come up here before he/she left with your mom. I'm glad I listened you're such a naughty girl wearing red lingerie." I looked down at my outfit blushing.

Leon's POV

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Leon's POV

Damn (Y/N) is so sexy wearing it and I grabbed her gently by the arms and kissing her hard. I had tips from Chris on how to have sex since he's with Jill. We both moaned and I pick her up with her legs around my waist and I carried her to the bed laying her down. I pull away from her lips while I'm on just my knees and I slowly unbutton my shirt teasing her. She pouts "Leon! Hurry up!" I stopped and put my hands together "Would you like to do the rest then?" I asked her while I'm smirking.

 She pouts "Leon! Hurry up!" I stopped and put my hands together "Would you like to do the rest then?" I asked her while I'm smirking

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She shyly unbuttons the rest of the buttons and takes my shirt off. I went back down and kissed her sweet spot on the neck. I love hearing her moan and arching her back.


I feel so different but in a good way since this is my first time I mean I'm 25 years old (just pretend that you are) I was 20 years old when I met Leon. I've been waiting for the right time to have sex and I had tips from (BFF/N). "You know the necklace I gave you sure does go with the outfit. Too bad I'm taking it all off." I hear Leon say and sure enough he took my necklace off and lays it on my dresser. Then he slowly takes my lingerie dress from the bottom slowly and he sees my matching lacy red underwear.

No One's POV

Leon's member was so hard he almost lost it seeing you with just your underwear and nothing else. "Damn (N/N) you're so perfect and beautiful I'm so glad I have you in my life."

He takes your underwear off and goes right between your legs softly licking your walls. "Ahhhhh L-Leon d-don't it probably doesn't taste good." You said blushing red and Leon looks up at you then smirks "You taste amazing baby don't worry." You blushed and nodded he then keeps going "Ahhhhh Leon I'm gonna cum!!" You gripped the sheets as you released. Leon laps up all of your juices and starts taking off his belt and jeans leaving him with his boxers on.

You slowly take his boxers off and see his member then you lick his tip and starts sucking him off "Ahhhh yes baby you suck it so good." He said while gripping your hair softly making you go a little deeper. You bobbed your head and feels his member twitch "Shit baby I'm gonna cum!!." Leon groaned and came in your mouth. You swallowed it and kissed him.

"I'm ready Leon." You whispered while laying back down and spread your legs. Leon goes between your legs lining up his member at your entrance. "It might hurt but it'll be better at least that's what I was told from Chris." He said admitting it while you smiled "(BFF/N) told me the same thing lets find out and see." He nods then slowly puts his member in and you had tears in her eyes. "Are you okay (N/N)?" You nodded "You can move Leon." He nodded and moves "You're so tight!!"

You both moaned and then Leon went faster in you. "N/N I'm ready to have a family with you." He groaned. "Me too!!" You yelled as they both came together. He pulls out panting and lays down by her. "Goodnight (Y/N) I love you." He said tiredly "I love you too goodnight." You said before falling asleep in his arms.

(I'm sorry for making it long and detailed I hope you enjoyed though)

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