When Leon Actually Dies

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You were waiting for Leon to come home with Chris and you were happy.....or so you thought you would be.

Chris's POV

I walked to Leon's house and saw (Y/N) smiling and hugged me. "Chris where's Leon?" She asked me and I gulped "Let's talk inside..." We go inside.

"(N/N) Leon's not coming back home....I tried to save him but the roof crushed him and Jesus (N/N) I'm sorry!" I cried and I hugged her close to me as she cries.

Time Skip 3 days later No One's POV

You and everyone else stood by the casket.

You took his death the hardest and you felt yourself drift away

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You took his death the hardest and you felt yourself drift away. After the funeral everyone hugged you and tell you that they're there for you. You broke down in the bedroom after everyone left. Gripping your hair and crying your hardest.

Claire's POV

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Claire's POV

I went to visit (N/N) and I saw her breaking down. I went up to her and hugged her softly. "Leon wouldn't want you to be like this. You know that...." She nodded and cling on to me. "He never said goodbye or I love you....I didn't get to hear his last words...." Then Chris comes in with a teddy bear and he presses a button and there was a voice recording between Chris and Leon. "This is his final words (Y/N) before he died." 

"Come on Chris but that thing down please?" Leon says laughing. "No you need to tell (N/N) how much you love her." Chris says. "I love her to the moon and back I can't wait to ask her to marry me!!" Leon says while laughing.

You cried hugging the bear and Chris hands you the ring that has been found in Leon's jacket after the accident. 'I would've said yes...Leon.' You thought to yourself.

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