You See Leon Sleeping After A Mission

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You were at work at (J/N) and your boss was making you work late. You texted Leon saying you will be working late and how your boss is a jerk. You missed him and hope that he comes back home since he hasn't been for 3 months.

You were upset and started cleaning up your office. All of a sudden you hear the door open and hear somebody walking towards your office all of a sudden there was nothing but shuffling and loud clanks on the floor. You were scared "H-hey whosever there we're closed!!" You said shakily then you hear snoring?

You walked towards the door opening it and you see Leon sleeping on the couch. You smile and then pets his short hair. "Geez I missed you Leon." You whispered softly and kisses his head softly "I missed you too (Y/N) come sleep on me." He muttered tiredly. You shake your head "My boss will kill me if he/she sees me sleeping. So I better not." Leon smirks "I'm your boss listen to me baby." Your eyes widen "Wait how are you my boss he/she walked out here not that long ago." Leon kept smirking "I was the one to tell your boss to let you stay at work late so I can stay with you cuddling since its been 3 months since I last saw you."

You laughed to yourself "You are full of surprises Leon." "Just lay on top of me please? I miss your warmth." He pouted. You laid on top of him and snuggled on his chest. "Goodnight Leon I love you." He smiles softly while holding you "Goodnight my love. I love you too." You both ended up falling asleep on the couch.

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