When Your Husband Leon Rescues You From Wesker

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Albert Wesker, the worst man you could ever think of kidnapped you and you were scared shitless. Tied up and you see him mixing viruses. You're hoping Leon and Chris saves you soon.

"Don't worry Mrs. Kennedy, I won't hurt you....much." Wesker says snickering as he filled the needle up. Your mouth is gagged and struggling as he went closer to you.

"Leave her alone Wesker!!" Leon says pointing the gun at him along with Chris. You screamed and struggled shaking as he stuck the needle in your arm "Ahhhhh isn't her husband, Leon Kennedy and his best friend Chris saving her life. Unfortunately you're too late." He injected the mixer in your arm making you shake. "The cure is in one of those vials in the box. There's 10 of them so do be careful." He leaves and Chris went after him making Leon go towards the vials.

Leon's POV

"Don't worry baby I'm going to save you. I just need something to get it tested." I find a lot of rats (I'm sorry if you like rats but I couldn't think of anything) and picked them up putting them into a box. Then I found a needle so I sucked the fluid in the needle and I injected it in the rat. He quickly turned so I did all of them and the last one is the cure and the rat is safe and sound so I found a clean needle.

(Y/N)'s POV

He injected the cure into me and then he unties me. I quickly got up and hugged him tightly. Leon hugs back kissing my head and lifted me up. Chris smiles "I killed Wesker so now what?" Leon chuckles "Let's go home." I smiled "Can we eat first? I'm hungry." I said making the three of us laugh.

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