When You Are Jill's Sister and You Didn't Tell Leon

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(requested by SHEPARD2996)

Your name is (Y/N) Valentine the youngest sister to Jill and you were happy that Chris is finally married to your sister. You're the maid of honor and Leon your boyfriend is the best man.

(Y/N)'s POV

I was writing my speech in the other room while everyone is in the reception party and I laughed thinking about all the memories then I teared up thinking about our parents when they died in a car crash. "(N/N)?" I turned around and I saw Jill in her wedding dress

I wiped my tears away and she smiled softly and sat down with me "What's wrong?" I sniffed "Just thinking about how mom and dad would be proud of you

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I wiped my tears away and she smiled softly and sat down with me "What's wrong?" I sniffed "Just thinking about how mom and dad would be proud of you." She smiled at me and I smiled back fixing my dress

"I never told Leon that we are sisters yet" She looked at me surprised "I couldn't tell him I'm worried about our secret to the public with mom and dad being gone and-" she hugs me tightly "Our sister code can be broken now and in the speech tell ...

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"I never told Leon that we are sisters yet" She looked at me surprised "I couldn't tell him I'm worried about our secret to the public with mom and dad being gone and-" she hugs me tightly "Our sister code can be broken now and in the speech tell them and Leon who you are. I haven't told Chris yet either but you're my maid of honor so tell them."

I nodded and she helps me up "Now let's go to the reception everyone is looking for you." We walked together holding hands and then Leon came running towards me then hugs me tightly "Where have you been (N/N)?" I smiled "Working on my speech." He smiled and kisses me softly.

Time Skip speech time Leon's POV

I ran my glass and I stood up holding a mic "Well it's sure been a long journey with Chris since we've been friends a long time ever since I met Claire actually and working for the RPD together in the past." Everyone chuckled "Anyways I'm glad he met Jill and if he hadn't well him and I wouldn't be in love with her and her maid of honor (Y/N)." She smiles and blushes. "(Y/N) is everything to me and I'm damn sure Jill is everything to Chris since she's now a Redfield. So congratulations to Chris and Jill Redfield may the best wishes comes to you both." As I sat down everyone clapped then I saw Jill held (Y/N)'s hand and telling her she can do this making (Y/N) take a deep breath as she stood up holding another mic.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Wow okay it's my turn now. Okay well many of you actually don't know me very well because I couldn't break a code. A sister's code to never tell anyone that Jill has a sister." Everyone was talking confused and is surprised. I got nervous as they quiet down. "Anyways hello I'm (Y/N) Valentine Jill's little sister and when our parents died we both knew we'd be targets too so we made a sister's code to protect each other." I looked at Leon and he's giving me a small smile with so much love in his eyes.

" I looked at Leon and he's giving me a small smile with so much love in his eyes

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I smiled softly back and continued my speech. "When we were kids Jill and I always played in the backyard drinking fake tea and eating cookies in our princess dresses then our mom got mad and yelled girls you better not be eating those cookies they're for my bake sale." Jill laughed "Now when she told me she met Chris I'm like oh no. I'm not going to let my sister have a broken heart. But then I love him too as a big brother and Claire as my little sister. So raise your glasses and cheers to my sister Jill and my brother in law Chris."

We all took a drink and Jill hugged me tightly as tears came out of my eyes. "I love you (N/N) you can never be replaced." I wiped my tears "You're my sister I can't believe how much we grown up to be." We laughed and Leon came behind me as I turned around "Hey babe can I talk to you?" I nodded and he takes me to the room where I've been writing my speech. "So miss Valentine how would you feel about becoming Mrs. Kennedy?" I looked at him confused and he got down on one knee holding up a rose ring "Will you marry me?"

Then I saw Jill came behind him giving me her bouquet of flowers meaning for the next bride to be then Chris puts the garter on Leon's head for the next groom to be laughing and I smiled "Yes Leon

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Then I saw Jill came behind him giving me her bouquet of flowers meaning for the next bride to be then Chris puts the garter on Leon's head for the next groom to be laughing and I smiled "Yes Leon. I'll become your Mrs. Kennedy." We hugged each other and he kisses me softly.

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