When Leon Cheats On You

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(requested by Nico51896)

You caught Leon sleeping around with Ada behind your back and you filed a divorce but lately you've been getting sick and tired lately.

(Y/N)'s POV

I've been thinking about the words Leon said to me like I promise I wouldn't hurt you or my love for you is unconditional. He's a fucking liar and a cheater.

Flashback- "(Y/N) it's not what it looks like!!" Leon says as he's putting boxers on with naked Ada on the bed. "Yeah right Leon I'm filing a divorce so you can't deal with me anymore!! Go to your slut I'm so done Leon!!" You yelled and left him in tears.

That was about a month ago and right now I'm the hospital sick and then the doctor comes in "Miss (L/N) congratulations you're pregnant." I looked at him shocked. "You're about 2 months now." He gave me a note and I nodded "Thank you..." I left and I moved away from Raccoon City to (C/N).

4 Years Later Leon's POV

I'm drinking every day and night regretting on what I did to my ex wife (Y/N). I left Ada but she was pissed but I didn't care I wanted my ex wife back. I wonder what she's up to. Probably moved on since I was told she moved away from Raccoon City but I moved too in (C/N) but what I didn't know is that my ex wife lives in the same city too.

(Y/N)'s POV

I have a 4 year old daughter and she looks like Leon but I don't want to think about him anymore "(D/N)? Mom's going to the bar with her co-workers so your babysitter is watching you today okay?" She smiles "Okay mommy." I smiled and once the babysitter arrives I left.

I had so much fun with my co-workers and I see someone that looks familiar across the room...I go to him then I realized "Leon?" He turns around looking at me with wide eyes "(Y/N)? What are you doing here?"

Leon's POV

She looks away "I live here why are you here?" I coughed "I live here too." She scoffs "You look like shit...where's Ada?" I smirked "I didn't want her anymore I realized how stupid I was." She rolls her eyes "Listen Leon I have to go home since I have someone to get home to." I was confused "Who?" She shakes her head tearing up then walks away then out of the bar quickly "(Y/N)!" I yelled.

I looked down. I gotta find her and then I saw a woman "Hey if you want (Y/N)'s address here you go. I know who you are and what you did Leon. Make things right for the both of you." Her co-worker leaves then I left the bar to get on my motorcycle and I look for her house.

Once I found her place I saw her holding a little girl. (Y/N) is paying what I think is the babysitter and I got off my motorcycle. "(Y/N)?" She turns around "Leon...this isn't what it looks like." She has tears falling "Mommy what's wrong?" The little hugs her tightly.

(Y/N)'s POV

Shit I got caught by my ex husband "Nothing (D/N) go play with your dolls okay?" She nods letting me go then goes inside to play and I wipe my tears away "Is she....mine?" I heard Leon ask and I nodded "Yeah but it doesn't matter you left us." He grabs me gently and hugs me close "I'm so sorry (Y/N)....I still love you....I left Ada because I was stupid to let you go....please be mine again?"

I cried and hugged him back "Okay Leon...but you didn't get Ada pregnant right?" He shakes his head "No I didn't. Matter of fact I didn't finish in her when you stormed in." I smiled "Good" I kissed him hard and smiling while he kisses me back. I pulled away "Hey (D/N) Kennedy come meet your daddy he's finally home!" She comes running and hugged Leon "Daddy!" He smiled "You used my last name?" I nodded "Yeah because I was hoping you'll come back to us." He smiled and hugged the both of us. "I'm home from now on and I'm not leaving." I smiled and snuggled his chest as he holds me in his arms finally happy.

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